

总部位于班加罗尔的3D打印机OEMIntech添加剂解决方案已经推出了其大型iScormat LF系列金属3D打印机。

在将近四年的研究和开发的支持下,激光粉床融合范围的特征是其450 x 450 x 450mm的构建体积。这些机器主要针对为航空航天,汽车和通用工程领域提供服务的印度制造商,与各种金属合金兼容,包括铝,钢,Inconel,Inconel,Cobalt Chrome和Titanium。

Intech硬件销售副总裁Pradeep Nair指出,“印度公司对3D打印机的建造零件大于400mm,这引起了极大的兴趣。所有这些机器都必须进口,并且价格昂贵。还有其他问题,例如漫长的支持和备件,使印度公司最终适应较便宜的中型机器。“静脉LF系列”充分充分填补了这个空白。”



Intech的故事是开创性的,因为该公司是其祖国的第一个开发和供应在粉末床融合技术上运行的金属3D打印机的OEM。除了新发布的LF系列,其专有静脉范围包括其他两个SLM系统- 静脉sf1和iSusion lfmulti。

The SF1 is the smaller of the two, packing a comparatively modest build volume of 180 x 150mm diameter, and is designed for R&D applications at laboratories and educational institutions. The LFMulti, on the other hand, is a larger-format multi-laser machinedesigned for the production of end-use industrial components.

Intech首席执行官Sridhar Balaram补充说:“电子和信息技术部已将增材制造(AM)确定为关键重点领域。政府计划推广各种AM部门垂直行业,包括机器,材料,软件和设计方法,以利用新的和未开发的商机。这项倡议将为印度制造业4.0的制造业做好准备,并进化了对这项新兴技术的综合方法。”




Intech的Micro-Jet Engine R&D子公司Poeir Jets已经签署了使用新LF系列制造的协议重型无人机的金属零件, citing the large build chamber, low production costs, and local support availability as key factors.

K.S.斯瓦米, Director of Poeir Jets, concludes, “The 3D printed parts from the iFusion series performed exceptionally well during the testing phases and proved to be of production quality. Intech’s 3D printers helped us achieve the required scale for commercializing manufacturing and ensuring lower cost per part. We are now moving to printing parts on Intech’s LF series of machines.”

重型混合动力无人机将于2019年Aero India展示。通过Intech DMLS的照片。
Poeir Jets印度印度Aero India 2019上展示了一架重型混合动力无人机。通过Intech的照片

While Intech builds its presence in India, Western manufacturers continue to push the limits of large-format metal 3D printing. In the Netherlands,加性行业最近宣布了其新的旗舰PBF系统Metalfab-600,配有构建量的量是其姊妹模型MetalFab1的五倍。将于2021年底进行商业发射,MetalFab-600包装了600 x 600 x 1000mm的构建体积。

在其他地方,3D打印机OEM3D系统最近公布了许多有关“世界上最大的金属3D打印机”,它发展为美国陆军。Featuring nine lasers and a colossal build chamber measuring 1m x 1m x 600mm, the metal system will be used to address the ammunition, ground vehicle, helicopter, and missile defense needs of the Armed Forces.

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特色图显示了iSusion LF系列3D打印机。通过Intech的照片