
From residual McDonald’s cooking oil to 3D printing resin

A team from theUniversity of Toronto, Scarborough(UTSC)已从多余的麦当劳食用油制作了立体光刻(SLA)的树脂。


“塑料之所以出现问题的原因是因为自然没有进化来处理人造化学药品,” UTSC物理和环境科学系教授,也是该研究的主要作者安德烈·辛普森(Andre Simpson)说ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering。“因为我们正在使用本质上是天然产品的东西 - 在这种情况下,食用油的脂肪 - 大自然可以更好地处理它。”

The plastic butterfly printed from the researchers’ cooking oil-derived resin showed features down to 100 micrometres and was structurally and thermally stable. Photo via Don Campbell/UTSC.
从研究人员的食用油衍生的树脂上印有的塑料蝴蝶显示的特征低至100微米,并且在结构和热稳定上。通过Don Campbell/UTSC的照片。

Pouring oil on troubled resin

Resins derived from cooking oil一直在探索作为一个环保吗and cost-effective alternative to materials used within used in SLA processes. According to the UTSC researchers, waste cooking oil is directly discharged into the sewage system which clogs sewage lines. “As the world’s largest fast-food chain, with more than 10% of the global market share, McDonald’s is estimated to produce more than 600 tons of WCO per day,” the study states.

Therefore, oil from Scarborough-based Mcdonald’s restaurants was retrieved and put to use using additive manufacturing. A simple one-stepMichael-addition-type reaction在制作420毫升树脂的同时,被用来在一升石油上进行丙烯酸化。然后,将其用于制造一种塑料蝴蝶,表现出结构和热稳定性。

Rajshree Biswas是T士嘉堡教授安德烈·辛普森(Andre Simpson)实验室的博士生,他的3D印刷蝴蝶使用源自麦当劳废料油的树脂制成。通过Don Campbell/UTSC的照片。
Rajshree Biswas, a Ph.D. student in the lab of U of T Scarborough Professor Andre Simpson, with 3D printed butterflies made using resin derived from McDonald’s waste cooking oil. Photo via Don Campbell/UTSC.

Natural resources for 3D printing

大部分的化学物质用于生产油性resin were also found to be recyclable. The researchers believe this could be made for as low as $300 per tonne, which is cheaper than conventional fossil-fuel-based resins which cost upwards of $525 per liter. Professor Simpson explained:

“If you bury [this material] in soil, microbes will start to break it down because essentially it’s just fat. It’s something that microbes actually like to eat and they do a good job at breaking it down.”

Direct Conversion of McDonald’s Waste Cooking Oil into a Biodegradable High- Resolution 3D Printing Resin透明co-authored by Bing Wu, Atiqurrehman Sufi, Rajshree Ghosh Biswas, Arika Hisatsune, Vincent Moxley-Paquette, Paris Ning, Ronald Soong, Andrew P. Dicks, and André J. Simpson.

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特色图像显示了研究人员食用油衍生的树脂印刷的塑料蝴蝶显示的特征低至100微米,并且在结构和热稳定上。通过Don Campbell/UTSC的照片。