
Fraunhofer ILT heads the development of multifunctional laser system to cut, weld and 3D print

目前正在开发一个能够切割,焊接和3D打印的多功能激光系统正在开发Fraunhofer激光技术研究所(ILT) in Aachen, Germany.

该系统的项目称为多莫比尔。它由宏观加入和切割的小组负责人Dirk Petring博士协调。Petring博士说:“在动荡的市场中,激光技术与数字化相结合是具有成本效益生产的预定的推动者[…]。”


A multi-functional laser-head is being modified to enable metal 3D printing. Image via Fraunhofer ILT/Twitter.
A multi-functional laser-head is being modified to enable metal 3D printing. Image via Fraunhofer ILT/Twitter.

The future of AM

TheFraunhofer Society是位于亚兴的德国组织。它构成了包括Fraunhofer Ilt在内的72个独立研究机构。These institutes of the Society have significantly influenced the development of 3D printing, with ILT leading the未来的增材制造(Futuream)项目,并努力创建low-distortion LPBF.

Fraunhofer协会成员的其他项目包括多光子光刻,和theTwoCure 3D printer,采取不同的支持方法。

A hybrid laser system

The MultiPROmobil project at ILT began in November 2018. Funded by the欧洲地区发展基金(ERDF) and the北莱茵 - 西方国家, the project will run for three years.

与该研究所合作的其他三个德国合作伙伴:激光系统制造商Bergmann & Steffen,软件解决方案提供商CAE Innovative Engineering和the Laser Processing and Consulting Centre (LBBZ).

目前,激光专家的组合LaserFactiS被团队修改以实现添加剂制造。相同的组合头已经能够使用单个激光头能够焊接和切割。一旦激光系统完成,将使用Combi-Laser制造半双子车。design and simulation software for the process is also being developed in collaboration with Digital Twins, a project partner of CAE Innovative Engineering.

Fraunhofer Ilt将在LASER World of PHOTONICS 2019从6月24日至27日,A2厅431号。

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Feature image shows a multi-functional laser-head is being modified to enable metal 3D printing. Image via Fraunhofer ILT/Twitter.