
Essential step forward taken in pre-clinical testing of 3D bioprinted tissue

3D Bioprinting正在逐渐证明其为人体创建功能性替代组织的功效。目前,尽管它仅在小动物模型中得到证明。如果该技术要在人类患者中进行临床试验,则首先需要扩大规模。

在日本Keio大学,,,,传奇大学,京都医院,京都医院,京都县医学大学和Cifuse Biomedical K. K.has taken the next step toward this goal.



Keio-Saga团队采用的3D生物打印方法进行血管移植称为Kenzan方法。由Cyfuse Biomedical K. K.仅商业化,在这种技术球细胞砾岩中,称为球体的球形砾岩由“ Kenzan”针阵列矛。留下来培养这些球体的排列,例如圆形的容器/管,合并在一起。在某个阶段,它们被从针中移开,然后向左移走以治愈并关闭剩余的孔。剩下的是完整的组织样本。

Over the years, the method has been used variously to createvascular implants trialed in rats, 一种mini liver model而且,最近,再生食管结构

Kenzan方法的图形表示。图像通过Cyfuse Biomedical K.K.
Kenzan方法的图形表示。图像通过Cyfuse Biomedical K.K.


这张名为“免疫缺陷猪模型的开发,允许长期适应人造人类血管管” increases the scale of Kenzan vascular trials conducted in rats, instead applied to so-called “operational immunodeficient pigs” or OIDPs.

在实验中,研究人员采取了一种程序,以严格规定美国国立卫生研究院实验室动物的护理和使用指南中的建议,以抑制OIDP免疫系统的反应。然后将在Cyfuse Biomedical 3D生物生物生产物上产生的人类干细胞衍生的管状组织植入猪中,并在3个月的时间内由团队进行研究。

In two out of the six pigs in this trial, the patency of the artificial tissue was maintained for the duration of the experiment. At this stage, smooth muscle cells had started to form at at the implant, denoting the next stage of cell regeneration.

Though not all pigs shared the same results the study does show a high degree of success for the method. The researchers write, “It should be noted that this is the first report in which tissue-engineered grafts derived from human cells remained patent for > 1 month after xenotransplantation in a large animal model.”

这项研究得出的结论是,“没有t OIDPs的诞生he rejection of human cell-derived organs symbolizes an essential step toward the comprehensive evaluation of preclinical cell regeneration strategies and contributes to the development of regenerative medicine using human organs, which is expected in the near future.”


可以在线访问完整的结果自然通讯杂志。这项研究由Manabu Itoh,Yosuke Mukae,Takahiro Kitsuka,Kenichi Arai,Anna Nakamura,Anna Nakamura,Kazuyoshi Uchihashi,Shuji Toda,Kumika Matsubayashi,Jun-Ichi oyama oyama oyama oyama oyama oyama oyama,koichi norieshi gojo hor satoshi gojojo,,Koichi Nakayama和Eiji Kobayashi。

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