
数字工匠,Castem和JSR使用Carbon M2 3D打印机创建无形高跟鞋

数字工匠, a Japanese design lab,JSR公司, an international chemicals company, and卡斯特姆是精密铸造零件的制造商,已合作创建“无形”的高跟鞋。

Using theM2 3 d打印机Carbon,合作伙伴创建了由generative designto form the precise casts of the wedged metal heels. Generative design technology also allows for each pair of Formless heels to be tailored tothe appropriate shape based on the potential weight and direction of the force applied by its user.

Formless generative heels

数字工匠总监Masaharu Ono通过3D软件领导着无形高跟鞋的设计和建模。Ono,工业设计师3D印刷珠宝, has previously used his experience in additive manufacturing to createfashion garments made from TPU.

Ono寻求日本鞋设计师的帮助,Yato Tsumagari,开发无形的高跟鞋。创意者一起使用了生成设计;迭代设计过程automatically generates organic and manufacture-ready outputs based on data inputs.

This process produced intricate webbed formed heels that support various weights and shoe sizes. These forms were 3D printed into molds using a JSR-owned M2 which operates on patentedDigital Light Synthesis(DLS) technology. Using Castem’sLost Wax Method,然后产生了无形的高跟鞋。此外,JSR还提供了高跟鞋的铸造合金。

Ono plans to use the Formless heels as the concept model for mass customization.

The Formless high heel shoes. Photo via Digital Artisan.


高跟鞋并不是造鞋的唯一一部分。最近,丹麦鞋类品牌,ECCOdeveloped3D printed silicone midsoles通过它的创新实验室for its Quant-U shoe.

同样在今年年初,鞋类品牌Ica & Kostikalaunched its fully3D printed shoe collection,被称为外生物学。这双鞋的形状是外骨骼般的结构,有点类似于无形的高跟鞋,无形的高跟鞋(例如珊瑚和海马)。

Sea themed printed shoe design, by Ica & Kostika. Photo via Ica & Kostika.
Sea themed printed shoe design, by Ica & Kostika. Photo via Ica & Kostika.

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Featured image shows the Formless high heel shoes. Photo via Digital Artisan.