

With consumers increasingly turning to online shopping to meet their clothing and fashion needs, retailers are looking for new ways to draw customers back into their brick-and-mortar stores.创新实验室ECCO(ILE) and their Quant-U shoe is the latest entry in thegrowing 3D printed footwear trend。Quant-U提供店内扫描至定制的鞋子的脚步,是“重塑零售”趋势的完美例子。




Ile的Quant-U具有3D打印的中底。Creation of a Quant-U midsole is a three step process, each step implemented in collaboration with key industry partners, including, the剑桥设计伙伴关系,DassaultSystèmes的FashionLab,德国重演The Dow Chemical Company

A render of the 3D scanning station and German RepRap modified 3D printer. Image via Ecco.
A render of the 3D scanning station and German RepRap modified 3D printer. Image via ECCO.


第一步,实时数据是从嵌入客户鞋底嵌入的可穿戴传感器中编译的。A 3D scan of the customer’s feet is also taken, a process that takes only 30 seconds.

Sensors used in this proceed were developed in collaboration with剑桥设计伙伴关系, a technology and design consultancy based in the UK收集的数据范围构建了佩戴者如何浏览陀螺仪,压力传感器,加速度计以及温度和湿度监测器的图像。

In the second step, machine learning and algorithms developed by Dassault Systèmes’ FashionLab, a 3D design and technology incubator, process the sensor data into a 3D model that ILE calls “an augmented pattern,” for 3D printing.



Made from Dow silicone

最终产品由DOW Chemical Company开发和提供的有机硅制成。

该硅酮是两年研究的结果,它调整了“ [硅酮]的固有特性;中底的粘弹性,耐用性和温度稳定性”。

ILE says the entire process takes place in-store “within a few hours,” though customers are only required to be in store for the 10 minute 3D “fitting” session.


Honing in on the novelty of the custom 3D printed midsoles, ILE’s Quant-U shoes are available exclusively at ECCO’s Amsterdam W-21 concept store for a limited time in April 2018.


帕特里齐奥·卡洛奇(Patrizio Carlucci)说:“在我在鞋类设计和工程方面,完美拟合,完美动态和最终表现的概念长期以来一直是一种痴迷。使用Quant-U,我们现在将未来技术结合起来自定义鞋类功能和舒适性而不会干扰其美学。”

It is evident that the market for 3D printed shoes and wearables is heating up.阿迪达斯正在开设一个新工厂which will rely on 3D printing to produce around 500,000 pairs of shoes annually. Shenzhen Resun Healthcare Technology Co. have developed kiosks utilizing 3D scanning to to produce定制合身的鞋垫。NFL中的球员也正在接受3D printed personalised cleat shoes通过FitStation平台。

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