
峡谷学院gets a new MakerSpace

California’s College of the Canyons (COC) officially opened up their second MakerSpace facility last week, giving their students and community members a new place to manufacture and prototype their ideas.

Dr. Ron McFarland, dean of COC’s School of Applied Technologies said ‘如果某人是发明家,创造性的天才或仅仅是修补匠,他们可以来制作人空间并探索,发展甚至建立一个概念。’

The new facility is equipped with 3D printers, modelling software and robotics that will allow the community members around COC to create with a series of resources that wouldn’t be available for individuals working alone.

Gif above shows a motion sensing robot made in the MakerSpace at COC. Source: College of the Canyons on Youtube.

McFarland says the development of the MakerSpace should be as organic as possible. ‘We’ll shape up our MakerSpace for what the campus and community demands because not every MakerSpace is one-size-fits all’他告诉圣克拉丽塔谷的信号。

第一个COC Makerspace

Just a few months earlier COC opened their first MakerSpace at their Valencia campus. The space has given students access to electronics, robotics, 3D printing, manufacturing and CNC routing, laser etching and cutting, and a sewing machine.


‘工程部门表现出一定的兴趣,计算机科学人员已经成立了一个ACM俱乐部,该俱乐部代表计算机协会,他们正在使用Makerspace,”McFarland said.

The Valencia campus. Image via Your Hometown Station
The Valencia campus. Image via Your Hometown Station

克里斯·沃克(Chris Walker)是Valencia的Makerspace的经理,并且在电子工程和建筑领域经验丰富。他补充说,‘We have at least one or two people in there every day 3D printing. We have our regular set that spends the week there.’

Dr. Ron McFarland hopes to develop a series of activities within the MakerSpace. Proposed events include coding competitions, collaborations with the Santa Clarita Public Library, and the creation of a MakerSpace Club.

The development of new MakerSpaces continue at a fast pace all around the world. MakerSpaces represent a true democratization of manufacturing capabilities, allowing people from any background to develop their own ideas into actual products. Take for instance the number ofFab Labs将于明年命中1000, or the falling prices of 3D printers; it might only be a matter of a few years before every city has at least one fabrication space open to the community.
