3D Printers


这Netherlands based companyCead正在开发用于工业应用,包括建筑和造船的大型连续纤维增材制造(CFAM)机器。

Ceadis developing a large-format 3D printer for industrial applications. Photo via CEAD.


Ceadhas not revealed the specifications of their CFAM process, as they are still in the process of securing patents, however other solutions for working with carbon fiber are already on the market. It will be interesting to learn how the CEAD process compares.

连续纤维3D打印has been commercially available since 2015, with the release of the标记标记一个。连续纤维制造(CFF)是由马萨诸塞州的3D打印机生产商Markforged开发和创造的过程。

CFF使用两个印刷喷嘴生产具有连续的复合材料的零件,例如碳纤维,玻璃纤维或Kevlar。第一个喷嘴遵循传统的打印过程,将零件的外壳挤压为层。第二个喷嘴在标记首席执行官格雷格·马克(Greg Mark)的每一层上都沉积了一条材料的连续材料。目前,Markforged不提供与Cead CFAM机器一样大的构建尺寸的3D打印机。在3D打印行业中阅读有关CFF的更多信息马克的访谈


In JanuaryCead揭示了一些关键规格of the 3D printer, including an impressive max build size of 4x2x1.5m and a deposition rate of 15kg of material an hour. The printer is compatible with many different thermoplastics, including ABS, PET, PP and PEEK.

Since then, CEAD has successfully tested the impregnation and extrusion of continuous glass and carbon fiber materials in the printing process. During the test the CFAM machine ran for 24 hours without operator interference. CFAM samples were subjected to several interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) tests showing parts conforming to several ISO standards.

Ceadhave moved production to a larger 1000 square meter facility, located near Delft, Netherlands. The location will be used to produce the first full-scale CFAM machine.

这company say the CFAM 3D printer will be available this year.

Cead Group的CFAM机器。图片通过Cead
Cead Group的CFAM机器。图片通过Cead

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Featured image shows CEAD’s logo. Photo via CEAD.

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