

IMTS 2018 set all time records for attendance and exhibit space. At this years event it was evident that additive manufacturing is increasingly finding application within the wider manufacturing universe.

彼得·埃尔曼(Peter R. Eelman), Vice President, VP of organizers AMT describes AM as “one of the most revolutionary technologies ever brought to IMTS” with an “unprecedented degree of collaboration among exhibitors to develop additive manufacturing, automation and connected systems.”

A 3D printing robot by Titan Robotics and Yaskawa at IMTS 2018. Photo by Michael Petch.
A 3D printing robot by Titan Robotics and Yaskawa at IMTS 2018. Photo by Michael Petch.

Visitors to last week’s Chicago event were able to see AM in each of the four halls, and a dedicated Additive Manufacturing Pavillon where 51 companies from the 3D printing industry were exhibiting.


IMTS 2018占领了McCormick Place的所有四栋建筑。迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch)的照片。
IMTS 2018占领了McCormick Place的所有四栋建筑。迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch)的照片。


伯特兰休闲范德·李, Chief Customer Operations Officer (CCOO) atEOS

在增材制造方面,对3D生产级别打印的与会者非常感兴趣,尤其是在金属印刷级别。我们在展会上启动的EOS M 300系统几乎立即产生了商业兴趣。总体而言,有很多公司和我们自己的客户希望通过其3D打印功能进入新的水平。



IMTS 2018看到制造商的兴趣发生了变化。决策者开始意识到工业3D打印不仅仅是“时尚”。它可以留下来,让工业用通常成本的一小部分生产互补的复杂部分。很高兴看到我们不再处于早期采购阶段,而是在武器竞赛开始时,决定谁将归功于竞争对手,这要归功于加性制造。

斯科特·塞维克(Scott Sevcik), VP of Manufacturing Solutions at Stratasys.


Stratasysdemonstrated carbon fiber 3D printing for Team Penske at IMTS 2018. Photo by Michael Petch.
Stratasysdemonstrated carbon fiber 3D printing for Team Penske at IMTS 2018. Photo by Michael Petch.

Trumpf Inc.加法制造业行业经理Franziska Maschowski。


Daan A.J.Kersten,添加剂行业的联合创始人兼首席执行官。


3D系统营销高级副总裁道格·沃恩(Doug Vaughan)。

从我的角度来看,最大的趋势是围绕未来的工厂,而破坏性的技术推动了行业4.0的承诺。增材制造业,以及人工智能,高级机器人技术,大数据和其他破坏性技术 - 正在推动制造的数字化转型,您可以看到IMT在IMT中栩栩如生。回顾IMTS 2016,关于愿景和可能性有很多讨论。今年,有这些破坏性技术的实际相关演示。

Xometry应用工程总监Greg Paulsen。

通过我们的对话,我们看到了规格,数量和商店容量的灵活性。制造商必须适应从一次性到生产的不同需求,同时兼顾内部能力。实现这一目标的唯一方法是通过技术,包括诸如Xometry的在线价格和合作伙伴网络解决方案之类的集成市场。我们提供工作而没有繁重的举重,伴侣可以承担最适合其功能的项目。总体而言,我们还继续看到大量寻求制造业的人。这是Xometry业务模型的核心 - 提供快速,高质量且具有成本效益的生产。

玛丽·李(Mary Li),Shining 3D的主管工业产品线。


The 3D printed autonomous vehicle Olli at IMTS 2018. Photo by Michael Petch.
The 3D printed autonomous vehicle Olli at IMTS 2018. Photo by Michael Petch.

3D打印行业:您对IMTS 2018上添加剂制造方式的看法有何看法,自2016年上一次演出以来,这种情况发生了什么变化?

EOS的首席客户运营官(CCOO)Bertrand Humel van der Lee。

Companies now understand that additive manufacturing is imperative for their business to remain successful and competitive. It is not about the technology in general, but about specific applications and solutions.

At IMTS this year, there was an emphasis on more practical applications of 3D printing rather than in years prior where there was a lot of hype. It’s not just taken more seriously; manufacturers are seeing the need to up their investments in additive manufacturing, both from a technology and knowledge perspective.

This year the additive manufacturing area of IMTS attracted more interest than ever. This is testament to the momentum additive manufacturing technology is gaining, as well as a change in mindset from key decision makers. The questions we receive are now less about the technology itself, but rather how best to approach 3D printing for specific applications.

The EOS portfolio for production. Photo by Michael Petch.
The EOS portfolio for production. Photo by Michael Petch.


IMTS 2018 and 2016 were very different. Back in 2016, Additive Manufacturing seemed by many like an attempt to use a hobby tool to produce parts at an industrial level. Now visitors realise that this is not only possible, but worth an investment. Perhaps seeing a corporation like Michelin producing over a million complex lamellae and market-decisive moulds thanks to AddUp’s production systems has opened eyes on the usability of this technology.

斯科特·塞维克(Scott Sevcik), VP of Manufacturing Solutions at Stratasys.

It’s incredible to see how the show has evolved over the past several years. Only a few of shows ago, additive was a blip on the radar. Two years ago, was a bit of a coming out party. We were showing demonstrators, new capabilities, and new directions for the industry.

This year, Additive had a significant presence in a main hall, and I believe the industry showed a new level of maturity. While there were a few distant, directional announcements, they were much fewer. Instead of talking about what could be, we were showing what is. This was certainly our focus at Stratasys.


Daan A.J.Kersten,添加剂行业的联合创始人兼首席执行官

Additive manufacturing has grown and was besides the AM pavilion more distributed across the various machine tool halls.

加性行业首席执行官Daan Kersten。迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch)的照片。
加性行业首席执行官Daan Kersten。迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch)的照片。

3D系统营销高级副总裁道格·沃恩(Doug Vaughan)

2018年添加剂Manufacturi会下降ng found a true home at IMTS. The presence of Additive was night and day from 2 years ago – not only was the Additive area 2-3X larger than 2016, but the foot traffic and interest level was even higher.

您还开始在整个演出中看到其他凉亭和摊位中存在的添加剂技术。话虽如此,添加剂仍然是整个演出的相对较小的一部分,因此我期待在IMTS 2020年的增材中更大。

Xometry应用工程总监Greg Paulsen


玛丽·李(Mary Li),Shining 3D的主管工业产品线

随着IMTS 2018中越来越多的金属3D打印制造商出现,添加剂制造的目的是指导生产零件属性的高需求。


EOS的首席客户运营官(CCOO)Bertrand Humel van der Lee。

The seamless integration of 3D printing into existing production environments, the combination of industrial 3D printing with conventional production technologies, and the continuous optimisation of part and data flow are also elementary requirements.


But the availability of the right technical equipment, the necessary interfaces and the automation part flow are not the only factors of success. The development of know-how and experience within a company is equally important as to leverage the full potential of industrial 3D printing.

EOS为Wilson制造的3D打印的钛高尔夫驾驶员负责人。迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch)的照片。
EOS为Wilson制造的3D打印的钛高尔夫驾驶员负责人。迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch)的照片。


AM is already a true industrial process for AddUp. The main challenge to overcome is the anxiety in shifting from well-known, centuries-long industrial processes to a new technology and equipment used for a few decades only. Evangelising the 3D printing technology as a whole is still very important. That is why we are working on producing educational content through AddUp Academy to help companies in their transformation.添加学院的培训可在线获得

斯科特·塞维克(Scott Sevcik), VP of Manufacturing Solutions at Stratasys.

Confidence in the technology is key. For traditional technologies, you can just grab a handbook and look up a design value. Not being able to trust Additive technology to be highly repeatable is a key barrier to adoption in production processes. That’s been our focus with the F900, and it’s paying off.



The establishment of specs and standards is a clear sign of where we have reached maturity and industrialization of Additive.

A Stratasys Robotic Composite radome at IMTS 2018. Photo by Michael Petch.
A Stratasys Robotic Composite radome at IMTS 2018. Photo by Michael Petch.

Trumpf Inc.加法制造业行业经理Franziska Maschowski。


Important to increase the productivity along the entire AM process chain. The focus shouldn’t be on the machines alone but also on pre- and post-processing steps. [The industry needs to ] promote digitization / connectivity of machines and systems

Daan A.J.Kersten,添加剂行业的联合创始人兼首席执行官


3D系统营销高级副总裁道格·沃恩(Doug Vaughan)


Making production real with the 3D Systems figure 4. Photo by Michael Petch.
Making production real with the 3D Systems figure 4. Photo by Michael Petch.

Xometry应用工程总监Greg Paulsen

Material availability, surface finish, production scalability, and accuracy are always the main drivers of when to choose traditional processes over additive. Although some technologies do better at bridging the gap, we still see a large number of subtractive components in most assemblies that have additive parts. Xometry demonstrated this with showcased fixturing used on the BMW assembly line, where most conformal end-effectors were additive, but many of the high-wear components require machining or casting.

Oscar Meza全球销售副总裁Shining 3D


IMTS 2018的进一步见解

蒂姆·罗斯(Tim Rose),业务发展和营销副总裁,识别3D

自IMTS ’16以来,克服了工业添加剂机器的成本和效率的挑战取得了长足的进步,但我认为,由于认证,标准化和网络安全性,全面采用AM技术的持续阻力。但是,IMTS ’18确实提供了解决方案,以应对整个数字供应链中的过程一致性,可追溯性和数据安全的挑战,这将使AM持续进步并随后采用AM进行全面生产制造。



他说,闭幕词是AMT的彼得·R·埃尔曼(Peter R.“四年前,当我们在展厅生产Strati车辆时,大规模AM是一种新颖性。在IMTS 2018上,AM技术是用于生产入口大厅影响单元的制造过程的一部分。”

加法制造会议和博览会son is well underway and 3D Printing Industry will be at all the major shows. If you’d like to meet our reporters during these events请联系

来自IMTS 2018 East Hall的密歇根湖的景色。迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch)的照片。
来自IMTS 2018 East Hall的密歇根湖的景色。迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch)的照片。

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