
访问惠普的新的3 dPrinting and Digital Manufacturing Center of Excellence, Barcelona

In its pursuit of acceleration for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Global information technology company生命值在西班牙巴塞罗那开设了150,000平方英尺的3D印刷和数字制造中心。


HP总裁3D印刷和数字制造业总裁Christoph Schell解释说:“从事原型业务和制造业务是完全不同的。”

“我们正在寻找将使用HP 3D打印技术破坏商业模式的客户,该中心,其专家及其资源将有助于为这个新的制造时代提供促进。”

(Left) Ramon Pastor, Vice-president & General Manager, HP 3D Printing Business and Christoph Schell,President 3D Printing and Digital Manufacturing and a member of the Executive Leadership Team of HP cutting the ribbon of the new 3D Printing and Digital Manufacturing Center of Excellence. Photo by Tia Vialva.
(左)Ramon Pastor,HP 3D印刷业务副总裁兼总经理Christoph Schell,总裁3D印刷和数字制造业以及HP执行领导团队的成员,切割了新的3D印刷和数字制造中心的丝带卓越。Tia Vialva摄影。

Doubling-down additive manufacturing for production

Spanning across more than three acres, the HP3D打印和数字制造卓越中心是惠普的一部分industrial 3D printing portfolio。此外,该网站将充当惠普客户和合作伙伴的环境,以优化和集成加法制造生产流程。

Currently the facility hosts an HP Jet Fusion laboratory dedicated to its latest line of 3D printers, the5200系列, as well as a金属喷气机实验室以促进采用工业3D印刷和新材料开发。

Ramon Pastor, VP & General Manager, HP 3D Printing Business, stated, “This center is helping us to double down on additive manufacturing processes. We have a mission that’s not so easy to complete – and this is the automation and optimization of AM; a market that has been looked at as a whole new entity within itself.”

Inside the production lab at HP's new 3 arce 3D Printing and Digital Manufacturing Center of Excellence. Photo via Vicens Gimenez/HP.
在HP 3D打印和数字制造卓越中心的HP Jet Fusion 5200实验室内。通过Vicens Gimenez/HP的照片。


Corresponding to the release of the HP Jet Fusion 5200 series, both Pastor, Schell, and Rebecca Campbell, 3D Services Business Director at HP, emphasized the importance of collaboration with those experienced in additive manufacturing and others in the first stages of implementation. This is enabled through the HP Digital Manufacturing Network.


西门子,实现,SmiletirectClub, 和巴斯夫网络中包括的一些合作伙伴是在数字化,远程机构和材料方面共享专业知识,以利用塑料和金属添加剂制造过程。作为领先的化学生产商,巴斯夫最近开发了Ultrasint TPUfor the 5200 Series. The first end-use 3D printed TPU parts are included in the newHP针迹数字纺织打印机

This material is also being used to prototype new automotive applications, such as seating components as it improves on the comfort and flexibility of traditional foam. For example, an elastomeric headrest with an integrated Bluetooth speaker has been conceptualized with TPU lattice structures.

An elastomeric headrest with an integrated Bluetooth speaker has been conceptualized with TPU lattice structures. This seating component was 3d printed on the HP 5200. Photo by Tia Vialva.
一个3D打印的头枕,带有使用TPU晶格结构制成的集成蓝牙扬声器。该座位组件是在HP 5200上打印的3D。


除了与惠普(HP)3D金属全球负责人蒂姆·韦伯(Tim Weber)的创新外,透露了未来的一些努力Center of Excellence will execute to enable mass production with metal additive manufacturing.

“我们的入门HP金属喷气系统是去年引入的,大床尺寸为430 x 320 x 200毫米。这台机器可以产生不锈钢零件匹配ASTM International standardsat 50 times the capacity of conventional methods,” explained Dr. Weber.

“目前,我们的材料科学家正在对新的HP金属喷气系统进行测试金属粉末,该系统将很快引入。在质量和数量生产方面,这可能会严重破坏航空航天和汽车领域的客户和客户。这包括GKN Aerospace大众。”


BMW i8 Roadster的最终使用3D打印挡风玻璃指南。Tia Vialva摄影。
BMW i8 Roadster的最终使用3D打印挡风玻璃指南。Tia Vialva摄影。

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Featured image shows the HP 3D Printing and Digital Manufacturing Center of Excellence. Photo via Vicens Gimenez/HP.