

3D Systems已宣布与奇点大学(SU)建立重大合作伙伴关系,该大学的学术机构致力于教育学生了解和使用高级技术以提高利益。结果,SU将从3D Systems的内容到印刷品组合(已交付和安装)中收到3D打印硬件和其他关键组件,以供他们动手使用,这些学生可以立即开始探索和创新。

3D Systems的总裁兼首席执行官Abe Reichental在这一合作伙伴关系背后分享了他的热情和IDELOGY:“我们很高兴能够成为奇异性远见卓识的一部分,以民主化对3D内容的印刷解决方案进行民主化,这将实现更大的企业家主义和创造力。SU在选择添加剂制造作为正式执行计划方面表现出了大量的远见和领导才能,以确保全球新兴领导者和技术人员的全球受众完全理解3D构想到生产的潜力,并确保其引人注目的有影响力和影响力power is harnessed into tomorrow’s business models today.”

An incubator of innovative students, SU’s chair of Space and Physical Sciences and Co-Chair of AI and Robotics, Dan Barry, is equally excited about the possibilities that could emerge from unleashing the creative minds of the future on 3D printing: “Through this new partnership, 3D Systems is significantly enhancing the capability of our students to turn their ideas into reality – to be creative not just through slides, but in 3 dimensions, and express that creativity by producing real physical objects.”

As news of 3D printing filtering into all levels of the educational sector increases here on 3DPI, it is difficult not to share Dan Barry’s and Abe Reichental’ enthusiasm and optimism regarding the future – one with kids being able to interact profoundly with 3D printing during their entire educational career from elementary school through to university and beyond.


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