


Protecting iconic statues

学生正在与Project Regrind合作,将塑料水瓶转换为3D打印丝。瓶子被磨碎成薄片,并在挤出机中加热以产生丝。高级机械工程专业的学生查尔斯·戴维斯(Charles Davies)说:“这个项目的许多只是为了促进STEM学习。另一件事是,我们要免费提供3D打印的高中灯丝,以便他们可以了解这些东西。”

学生赛车团队Tecnun正在使用StratasysFortus 450MC生产3D打印机可减少零件的重量和生产时间。由Stratasys ST-130牺牲工具材料制成的核心用碳纤维复合材料包裹。一旦治愈,就溶解了牺牲芯,使复合部分留下。

标志性的Nittany狮子神社宾夕法尼亚州立大学的校园有它的耳朵帮助修理of the Penn State 3D printing club. A makeshift 3D printed mold covered the broken ear until more permanent repairs could be made.

Nittany Lion神社的3D印刷保护。通过Mikayla Corrigan的图像。
Nittany Lion神社的3D印刷保护。通过Mikayla Corrigan的图像。

研究人员与空军研究实验室已经成功打印了3D打印的增强聚合物复合材料,该复合材料由注入碳纤维丝的高温热固性树脂组成。“这些3D打印的零件可以承受大于300摄氏度的温度,使其可能对涡轮机更换零件有用,”在聚合物中工作的科学家希尔玛·科纳(Hilmar Koerner)博士说。

FILOALFAhas released the THERMEC ZED, an FDM 3D printing filament. The company says the new filament functions well as an alternative to PEEK for industrial applications. It possesses a high chemical inertia, remaining unaffected by solvents up to 200°C. Antonio Berera, R&D manager of parent companyCiceri de Mondel,所说的Thermec Zed是“一种极具弹性的材料,具有出色的尺寸稳定性”。

通用电气公司添加剂制造部GE Addivity已向辛辛那提大学捐赠了一种概念激光MLAB COD CAD,价值100R Metal 3D打印机,价值250,000美元。捐赠是GE Addive的800万美元承诺向全球大学提供金属3D打印机


汽车和摩托车建筑技术初创公司hackrodhas earned a new partner in Siemens PLM Software. In the terms of the agreement between the two companies, Siemens will be powering Hackrod’s factory of the future concept with its NX™ software, and the Solid Edge® Portal for cloud-based collaboration.



3D打印行业journalist Beau Jackson stands with WASProject's 3D printed wall at Vision 2017 in London, UK. Photo by Nicola Schiavarelli
3D印刷行业记者博·杰克逊(Beau Jackson)在英国伦敦的Vision 2017上与Wasproject的3D印刷墙站立。尼古拉·史瓦雷利(Nicola Schiavarelli)的照片



H. Jerry Qi和他的团队佐治亚理工学院have developed prototype printer that “integrates many features that appear to simplify and expedite the processes used in traditional 3D printing.”

Due to the developments Qi believes, “We are on the cusp of creating a new generation of devices that could vastly expand the practical applications for 3-D and 4-D printing.”


Software companyCENIT,,,,which is headquartered in Germany, is showing the first products of an ambitious Bionic Aircraft project conducted in collaboration with the EU.


根据该项目于2019年8月完成的完成,Cenit将在基于目录的CATIA CAD零件上开发,包括10 - 15个仿生成分。

在其他新闻中,SketchFab用户现在可以下载3D内容,以直接在VR和AR软件中使用。在宣布新下载API的官方博客中,Sketchfab联合创始人兼首席执行官Alban Denoyelcomments,,,,“Since we started Sketchfab in 2012, we’ve been on a mission to help democratize 3D, and make it accessible everywhere,”

“Bringing 3D content everywhere also means sharing it outside of Sketchfab, so that it can be used in more ways, and as part of bigger projects. The download API is our first major step forward into these exterior environments.”

SketchFab VR 3D模型查看器。Image via Sketchfab
SketchFab VR 3D模型查看器。图片通过SketchFab。

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特色图片显示了保护Nittany Lion Shrine耳朵的3D印刷模具。通过Mikayla Corrigan的图像