


在Formnext 2016期间的聚合物。通过Polymaker摄影。
在Formnext 2016期间的聚合物。通过Polymaker摄影。


Our customer base ranges from hobbyists to the most advanced industrial customers in the world and the funding allows us to exceed expectations to our global customers’ business needs.

2016年期间Polymaker的Kickstarter广告系列推出了他们的第一个硬件产品The Polysher。为了陪伴多疗法,聚合物开发了一种崭新的3D打印材料,它们称为polymooth。PolyMooth是一种基于PVB的材料,据报道酒精中出色的溶解度。” Post processing is conducted within a desktop unit using an aerosol delivery system.

多疗法。Polymaker PC. PolyFlex. PolyCast. Photo via Polymaker.


Polymaker have also taken on a new VP of business development for the Americas. The appointment of Jeffrey L Walters, who has 6 years experience in the 3D printing industry and global filament market strengthens the company’s presence in this market. Polymaker say the appointment of Walters is, “全球努力非常令人兴奋,并允许该公司更好地为整个美洲的客户服务,以满足其不断增长的物质需求”。


Polymaker is known throughout the entire industry as a leader in quality, service, and performance of their 3D Printing Filaments. We expect to grow significantly by delivering more than what is expected as a proper business partner, industry consultants, and deliver the highest standards of quality in the manufacturing process. We believe our filament portfolio and its overall performance will challenge the market standards and will be refreshing for its global users.

聚合物现在已经开始向支持者运送Polymer单元,而3D印刷行业了解新产品将于2017年5月购买。此外,Polymaker将在接下来的几周内在TCT Asia Show上展出,展示了PolySher。

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