
UDMTdeploys Renishaw metal 3D printing technology for electric motorcycle transmission

Deusto Moto大学团队(UDMT)和西班牙金属3D打印服务提供商MADIT Metalhave joined forces to 3D print a transmission for an electric motorcycle for the巴塞罗那智能摩托挑战赛, which they claim is the first Spanish-made motorcycle to incorporate metal 3D printing.

团队部署了全球工程公司Renishaw’sRenam 500m 3D打印系统在传统制造供应链中发生故障后,由于COVID-19大流行而导致该项目停止。


UMDT's electric motorcycle equipped with a 3D printed transmission. Photo via Renishaw.

Smart Moto挑战的3D打印

巴塞罗那Smart Moto挑战赛认为,来自世界各地的学生工程团队竞争,开发市场上最好的电动摩托车,并最终将产品商业化。UDMT团队由来自工程学院的大约20名学生组成University of Deusto旨在设计和制造智能电动摩托车以竞争挑战。

该项目中的其他团队也使用了3D打印,例如巴塞罗那的Elisava赛车队University School of Design and Engineering,采用了3D打印机制造商的专业知识BCN3D打印最终用途零件全电动智能山区救援摩托车


在挑战之外,学生和行业也使用了3D打印来生产用于电动摩托车的原型和最终用途组件。在2018年Formnext上,大规模3D打印机制造商BigRepunveiled a fully-functional prototype电动摩托车叫Nera, which aside from the electronics was entirely 3D printed.

别处,Musashi Seimitsu行业,日本汽车零件制造商和高级电池技术专家Keracelformed a strategic partnership to accelerate the development of3D printed solid-state batteriesprimarily focused on the motorcycle industry, and additive manufacturing service provider快速半径和定制的电动摩托车初创公司Curtiss Motorcycle Company合作于原型制作宙斯8热杆自行车

Most recently, students from苏黎世用过的Sintratec3D printing technology to design and manufacture a fully functional电动摩托车原型as part of theETHEC city project, with a strong focus on sustainability and increasing e-mobility.

Madit Metal设施的Renishaw系统。通过Renishaw的照片。
Madit Metal设施的Renishaw Systems。通过Renishaw的照片。


设计的电动摩托的传播rcycle presents several challenges, particularly as electric motors develop high torque which needs to be reduced in order to drive the vehicle. To solve this problem, the UDMT team designed a double-stage transmission system to allow a smoother reduction in engine torque.

在大流行期间,供应商能够加工成分后,学生们转向Madit Metal的3D打印功能,以打印变速箱。

Madit Metal于2020年9月从雷尼沙(Renishaw)收购了两个Renam 500m系统。由于其自动化过程和随后的生产率提高,因此选择了机器为该项目打印零件。该系统配备了Infiniam Central流程监控和控制软件,激光和融化池质量控制软件Infiniam Spectral。

根据UDMT团队的说法,使用Renam 500m系统用于生产变速箱的主要好处是组件的交付时间减少。由于可以在系统上制造多个组件,因此团队还观察到制造成本降低,并能够打印出更多的备件。


由Madit Metal生产的零件在不锈钢(SS316L)中生产。通过Renishaw的照片。
由Madit Metal生产的零件在不锈钢(SS316L)中生产。通过Renishaw的照片。

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