
Toys R Us stock 3D Printers in time for Christmas

Da Vinci Mini Maker printers fromxyzprinting现在可以在英国的Toys R Us商店购买。与家喻户晓的合作是同类的第一个合作,pips Mattel’s ThingMaker 3D printerto the post for commercial availability by about a year (ThingMaker has been set back to release end of 2017).

xyz da vinci minimaker
xyz da vinci minimaker


华志坚著在建议零售价239.99的£,达芬奇迷你制造商下降s into the same price bracket as games consoles and laptops, and for parents it shares some of the same concerns: particularly when it comes to safety. From an environmental standpoint, the Da Vinci Mini Maker uses a non-toxic PLA, and its educational potential, as with computers, is virtually limitless.

Who are XYZPrinting?

这company was founded in 2013 and is backed by the Taiwainese新的Kinpo小组who are world leaders in electronic manufacturing. Their mission statement is to make 3D printers accessible and available to the masses. In the past year, 3DPI has followed their every move, seeing them win创新奖最近expanding product lines. XYZ sell their printers primarily online, but the range is gradually becoming available in stockists across Europe and America. One big plus is that the printer comes with an online database of printable objects known as the Maker Zone.


玩具R US网站在12岁及以上的Da Vinci Mini Maker上推荐了一个年龄范围,但是XYZ的营销表明,使用打印机的孩子的营销表明,使用原色的设计具有更大的学龄前吸引力。对我来说,这表明市场还没有准备好,但是我对Da Vinci在圣诞节之前如何与电子竞争对手竞争的判断保持了判断。它不会超过对Xbox或PlayStation的渴望,但希望它会在未来几年内激起一些想象力。

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