
Stratasysto give BAE Systems private access to upcoming 3D printing technologies and materials

Leading 3D printer OEMStratasysand global defense, security and aerospace companyBAE系统今天已经确认了提高其合作的承诺。

BAE Systems自2006年以来一直是Stratasys的客户,目前使用3D打印来开发其土地,海事和空中部门的新解决方案。通过加深与Stratasys的合作伙伴关系,BAE系统将“增加”对Polyjet和FDM巨头开发3D打印技术和材料的“增加”。

Bae Systems Air制造总监Dave Holmes说:“我们很高兴与Stratasys这样的创新合作伙伴建立关系。”

“ Stratasys的技术已经在我们的生产业务中进行了整合,对于解决和解决我们当前和未来的制造挑战至关重要。”

From L - R: Ian Barton, Head of Strategy & Investment Planning, BAE Systems; Andrew Schofield, Head of Manufacturing & Materials Engineering, BAE Systems; Yann Rageul, Head of Strategic Accounts for EMEA at Stratasys; and Simon Whitaker, Technology Operations Manager at BAE Systemsin front of the Stratasys F900 3D printer. Photo via Stratasys
来自L – R:BAE Systems战略与投资计划主管Ian Barton;BAE Systems制造与材料工程主管Andrew Schofield;Yann Rageul,Stratasys的EMEA战略帐户负责人;以及Stratasys F900 3D打印机的BAE Systems的技术运营经理Simon Whitaker。通过Stratasys的照片

Additive manufacturing at BAE Systems

BAE系统in an early adopter of 3D printing, and draws on a number of different technologies with different academic and industrial partners. Though many specific 3D printing applications at the company are classified, a lot of effort has been put into part development for its aerospace business. In 2014, the company attained its firstcertification for flight-ready 3D printed polymer parts。今年,它与waam3dandCranfield University赢得了公司年度汽车或航空航天申请。Ever seeking工程的创新手段,3D打印也帮助BAE系统获得了岩浆无人机into the air.

Stratasys 3D打印机集成到BAE系统的运营中F900生产机器这是该公司获得专利的FDM系列的一部分,其构建尺寸为914.4 x 609.6 x 914.4毫米,可容纳两张单独的床。

来自Stratasys的F900 3D打印机。通过Stratasys的照片。
来自Stratasys的F900 3D打印机。通过Stratasys的照片。

Exclusive insight to inform R&D

Working more closely with BAE Systems, Stratasys is hoping to gain insight into the future needs of aerospace industry, which will help to steer its R&D programs. Yann Rageul, Head of Strategic Accounts for EMEA at Stratasys, has said the partnership is “paramount to ensuring we continue to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to developing and delivering additive manufacturing solutions,” especially for the aerospace sector.

结论评价公告,Rageul广告ded, “We look forward to strengthening our ties and working even more closely with BAE Systems to help realize their short and long-term manufacturing objectives.”

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Featured image shows from L – R: Ian Barton, Head of Strategy & Investment Planning, BAE Systems; Andrew Schofield, Head of Manufacturing & Materials Engineering, BAE Systems; Yann Rageul, Head of Strategic Accounts for EMEA at Stratasys; and Simon Whitaker, Technology Operations Manager at BAE Systemsin front of the Stratasys F900 3D printer. Photo via Stratasys