
“骨骼” - 3D打印的内部自画像

Artist and sculptor Caspar Berger is renowned for his self-portraits. For his latest project —Skeleton— Berger has used the very latest advanced technology to reveal a portrait of the invisible — his own skeleton. Berger had his body scanned in one of the world’s most cutting-edge CT scanners, which produced very accurate 3D data of his living skeleton. This data could then be made compatible for use with a 3D printer to build a precise replica of parts of his skeleton. From these 3D printed parts Berger went on to make silicone moulds of the bones and then cast copies in bronze and gold.

骨架自画像20 Caspar Berger 对于该项目的飞行员,伯杰选择了上臂骨和头骨。These two works, the artist’s upper arm bone cast in gold and a bronze forensic reconstruction of his face based on the copy of his skull, Berger is now presenting these two ultimate self-portraits: Skeleton / Self-portrait 20 and Skeleton / Self-portrait 21.

这两个雕塑是大型项目的前奏。在标题之下SkeletonBerger will cast all of his bones in different materials and incorporate them in a series of artworks, in each of which he will approach the phenomenon of the skeleton in art history from a different direction. He will present his bones as sculptural objects, based on the concept of a collection. He will also explore the phenomenon of relic veneration, presenting parts of his skeleton as contemporary relics. Finally he will develop an artwork that makes a connection between two crucial elements of human identity: the skin, which when we are alive bears our unique identity in a fingerprint, and the bones from which we can be identified after our death. According to Berger: “Our bones go on to reveal who we were long after we are gone. With a scan, 3D prints and casts of my entire skeleton, I aim to make the invisible tangible in three dimensions, and thus hold in my hands the symbol of what remains after death.”


About Caspar Berger

雕塑家卡斯帕尔·伯杰(Caspar Berger)(生于1965年)在荷兰马斯特里赫特(Maastricht)的Jan van eyck学院学习。他从意大利高级文艺复兴时期汲取了很多灵感,并将其语言转变为当今。Berger在他的工作中调查了内部和外部,现实与形象之间的关系。Berger使用硅胶模型,自己的皮肤甚至下面的东西都为他的想法提供了形状,从而最终导致了青铜,银,有时甚至是金。

骨骼:自portret 21 有关更多信息,请参阅www.casparberger.nl


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