3DP Applications

NASA's Next Generation of Rockets to Benefit from 2 Primary Advantages of 3D Printing

NASA的太空发射系统(SLS)*计划于去年年底生效,目的是支持太空探索。该项目的重点是开发由阿拉巴马州亨茨维尔的马歇尔太空飞行中心管理的重型火箭,“将把人类,设备和实验带到低地球轨道以外的人到附近的小行星,最终到达火星。”根据马歇尔中心高级制造团队负责人肯·库珀(Ken Cooper)的说法。

马歇尔中心(Marshall Center)工程师采用的先进过程之一是激光Cusing(一种金属添加剂制造工艺),来自德国Lichtenfels的Hoffman Innovation Group Concept Laser。团队正在使用M2 Cusing系统(实际上是大型,复杂的金属3D打印机)为各种合金开发材料属性数据库,最终将为RS-25和J-2X火箭发动机生产复杂的金属组件。


Ken Cooper explains, “Basically, this machine takes metal powder and uses a high-energy laser to melt it in a designed pattern. The laser will layer the melted dust to fuse whatever part we need from the ground up, creating intricate designs. The process produces parts with complex geometries and precise mechanical properties from a three-dimensional computer-aided design.”

It is believed that the Laser Cusing process will benefit the agency by saving millions in manufacturing costs compared with traditional manufacturing techniques as well as bringing inherent safety advantages.

“This process significantly reduces the manufacturing time required to produce parts from months to weeks or even days in some cases,” commented Andy Hardin, the integration hardware lead for the Engines Office in SLS. “It’s a significant improvement in affordability, saving both time and money. Also, since we’re not welding parts together, the parts are structurally stronger and more reliable, which creates an overall safer vehicle.”

Below is a video of the M2 Cusing machine in action:

*From the Editor:像我一样,你们中的一些人可能会欣赏这个缩写的讽刺意味,这些缩写出现在新闻报道中,讲述了一个不是选择性激光烧结的金属添加剂制造系统/过程!