
Shell and GE Additive 3D print oxygen hydrogen micromixer with green energy generating potential

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Also known as hydrogen-oxygen burners, such parts are often used in furnaces designed to efficiently melt metal scrap, or within industrial, refinery or energy-generating turbines. Produced from nickel alloy 718 using a概念激光M线3D打印机,该模型最初是作为原型开发的,但是GE在许多涡轮研发项目上工作,有一天可能会发现类似的东西。

“我们真的很想将M线划分,并将其测试达到限制,” Shell添加技术主题专家Joost Kroon解释说。“与GE添加剂团队合作,我们同意采用添加剂技术来重新想象一个大型,复杂的部分,并结合了很难制造的渠道。”



R&D at GE Additive’s ATC

GE Addivity是美国能源跨国GE的业务部门,专门研究和制造具有金属3D打印潜力的零件。这项工作大部分发生在GE’s Additive Technology Center(ATC)在辛辛那提(ATC)以及附近的较新的GE添加剂设施,在该设施中,零件和公司自己的技术的设计在生产前都得到了优化。

One of the highest-profile parts to have been developed at the facilities isGE的3D打印燃油喷嘴尖端。设计的重量比25%,燃油效率比CFM56替代方案,该部分已成为航空航天行业3D打印的海报孩子,现在已经制造了14万次。

Over the last decade, GE has built out its 3D printing capabilities via the acquisitions of Morris Technologies, Arcam and Concept Laser. The firm not only continues to market these machines, but use them to develop further aerospace parts. These have found applications in the GE90, GE9X and Catalyst engines, as well as the LEAP engines ofCFM International,联合ge-Safran飞机发动机venture

As revealed during 3D Printing Industry’s recent tour of the ATC, GE’s technologies are now gaining traction in defense, and it’s working with the美国军队to develop a replacement for the GE T901 engine. To expand its commercial offering, the company has also launched theSeries 3 Binder Jet 3D printer, a platform designed to enable the production of huge metal parts like castings on an industrial scale.



Shell和GE添加剂的Micromixer原型是作为联合设计和工程项目的一部分开发的,该项目设置为将M线推向绝对极限。从一开始,GE添加剂工程师Sonali Sonawane的任务是研究,设计和迭代零件的设计,在今年的制造和展示之前formnexttrade show.


“Our preliminary research showed that existing micromixers are typically cylindrical, when conventionally manufactured, to accommodate the complex layout of tanks, pipes and nozzles,” explained Sonawane. “For additional complexity we chose a large conical design and also moved from a flat to a curved structure with an ISO grid to increase the overall strength, rather than a customary flat one.”

Incorporating over 330 individual nozzles in a circular pattern, the resulting part was built around a pattern resembling that of the Fibonnaci sequence, only replicated in flowers and petals. Measuring 296 mm in height and 484 mm in diameter, the large-format build was post-processed (and has since been put on display at)壳牌的能源过渡校园阿姆斯特丹(ETCA)在荷兰。

虽然名义上作为一种原型开发,麦克风romixer could also have applications within GE’s wider energy business. As recently as October 2022, GE gained $6.6 million inUS Department of Energy通过使其能够燃烧更高水平的氢气的技术来开发使其F级燃气轮机更具可持续性的技术。

Shell 3D打印卓越和研讨会的工程师。通过外壳图像。
Shell 3D打印卓越和研讨会的工程师。通过外壳图像。

Shell’s involvement in the micromixer’s development is symbolic of a wider trend towards the greater adoption of 3D printing in oil and gas. In fact, working with fiberglass reinforcement specialist多产品今年早些时候,Shell also 3D printed obsolete partsfor one of its offshore installations, in a way that helped it bypass cost and lead time barriers.

认识到需求转变,3D系统带来了它认证的CUNI30 3D打印材料也要市场。最初开发的亨廷顿·英格尔斯工业子公司纽波特新闻在暴露于400°C(752°F)到低温-270°C(-454°F)的温度下,合金具有出色的耐腐蚀性和高水平的稳定性。

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