
破纪录的Ace Skyline扫描臂由Kreon推出


克雷恩, a industry-leading company specialising in advanced technologies and manufacturing systems, recently revealed their latest top-of-the-line scanning arm, catchily named Ace, which compliments their 3D Skyline scanner. The Ace Skyline and its integrated scanner was first revealed to the industry at the Control Stuttgart trade show at the end of April, and is born from an amalgamation of Kreon’s 25 years of working knowledge in advanced manufacturing.

将宽的激光线与高分辨率和准确性整合在一起,高性能的天际线是市场上最快的扫描仪,能够维持600.0002 每秒扫描速度点。这种创纪录的速率很大程度上是由于激光束的范围较大,该范围可设置为200mm,因此降低了扫描通行的频率。

While the entire digitizing and scanning process is a lot faster, the powerful scanner is able to retain its meticulous accuracy. Armed with a high definition camera and a 2.000 points laser line, the Skyline scanner is capable of producing a high resolution point cloud, sustaining high resolution and accuracy that can produce the trickiest and miniscule details of the most complex parts, even when working at high speeds.

The speedy accuracy of the technology isn’t the only ace up Kreon’s sleeve. In a press release published on May 19th, Kreon detailed all the bells and whistles to the scanner and its cutting edge scanning arm,stating,“由于其集成的电池和温度补偿,ACE天际线是在计量实验室,车间或外部扫描的理想便携式CMM。”

“ Ace Arm New版本,其符合人体工程学的升级(新的“推动”手柄和新的运输手柄)也确保了易用性和安全使用。”


拥有300行/瑞士的最大频率nd and 15 µm accuracy, this scanner is equipped to deal with the toughest challenges thrown at 3D printing. A blue laser scanner is able to digitize shiny or reflective parts, and is able to calculate contact and non-contact measurements with an integrated probe. An LED indicate is a visual aid, and is able to instantly visualize the optimum scanning distance, and the new Ace scanning arm allows a large working volume from 2m and up to 4.5m.

For any manufacturing whizz kids who want more juicy details of the Ace Skyline’s capabilities, the full specification and technological breakdown is available on the专用网站

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