
Prusa releases upgrades for Original Prusa i3 MK3 and SL1

PRUSA研究, an获奖Czech 3D printer and filament maker, has announced the latest updates to its hardware and software.

Prusa Research的创始人Josef Prusa为官方Prusa 3D打印机社区写作,他说:“我们前一段时间对我们的产品进行了大规模调查,这非常有帮助。我要感谢参加的每个人。建设性的批评是我们想要的最好的事情,它帮助我们塑造了MK3和MMU2的更新产品。”

Prusa还解释说:“我们的增长一直一如既往,我们已经达到了100,000 3D打印机中令人难以置信的里程碑!就在一月份,我们派遣了14,000个订单(并非全部都是打印机)。”

The Original Prusa i3 MK3 with Multi Material Upgrade 2.0. Image via Prusa3D
The Original Prusa i3 MK3 with Multi Material Upgrade 2.0. Image via Prusa3D

Smoother extrusion

PRUSA研究is known for its open-sourceOriginal Prusa i3 MK33D打印机,其中一部分是在大型的3D打印机农场中制造的,该农场有300个Prusa I3 MK3。

经过一项用户调查后,PRUSA研究重新设计了原始PRUSA I3 MK3S套件的挤出机。现在,挤出机具有一个新的光学传感器,该传感器可以检测到传感器上的机械杆而引起的灯丝。


The Prusa user community also suggested that servicing the extruder should be more convenient. Therefore, the new extruder is designed in such a way that nozzle or PTFE tube can be changed without disassembling the extruder.

“ MK3包括MK3整个生命周期的所有累积升级。发布之前,我们做出了一些改进 - 例如使用真正的大门皮带,我们还用纺织套管代替了螺旋式包裹,创建了一个新的Einsy盒,在光滑的PEI板上添加了反耐用涂层(下面的更多信息)和,当然,有数十种固件和塑料零件增强功能。”

The improved MK3 extruder for Prusa MK3. Image via Prusa Research.
The improved MK3 extruder for Prusa MK3. Image via Prusa Research.

Multi material 3D printing



“The tangling of the filament while unloading was a tougher nut to crack but we solved it by having a separate buffer which contains the unloaded filament.”

The reloading mechanism has been fixed by making sure that the redesigned MK3S extruder is able to sense that the filament has touched the Bondtech gears.


最新的MMU2升级最好的是“ MMU2的每个所有者都将免费升级到MMU2S(挤出机的自我打印零件),无论您身在何处,都将免费使用。”


“One of the standouts is a different method for controlling the heatbed power which reduces the PSU clicking noise.”


SLA printer by Prusa

去年,普鲁萨(Prusa)进入SLA/DLP市场,并发布了SL1SLA printer. Problems reported with the SLA printer have now been resolved.

The biggest issue with the SL1 was that the display screen cracked when printing large models. With most parts of the display now replaced this problem has been fixed. Furthermore, the tilting mechanism has been adjusted to relieve the stress from the display.

Z-axis precision has also improved, “We changed the supplier of rods and added a second spring to the Z-axis motor. Z-axis precision is now guaranteed and print quality is fantastic,” wrote Prusa.

除了重大升级外,PRUSA还报告了一些较小的更新,其中包括改进的纹理床单,SLIC3R PE的更新以及根据“质量”和“速度”进行分类的打印配置文件。

最后,Prusa Research还正在制作一部纪录片,介绍该公司如何从地下室出来以捕获3D打印市场。

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