
金属3d,,,,a new competitor in metal 3D printer filament, funded by CIT

Center for Innovative Technology’s(CIT)CIT GAP资金总部位于弗吉尼亚州的早期投资公司已投资金属3d,,,,a local 3D printing materials manufacturer and service provider.


Metallum3D首席执行官Nelson Zambrana,评论:

“We are grateful for the support of CIT GAP Funds, whose investment will play an important role in our growth and disruption of the metal 3D printing industry.”



其他使用这种概念的公司包括虚拟铸造,,,,material sponsor for the first annual3D Printing Industry Awards trophy,,,,Markforged,,,,in the金属X机器,,,,andDesktop Metal,在它的Studio System

Supporting the MIM-powder-fused filament, Metallum3D has also developed a patent pending Microwave Densification process, used for debinding and sintering 3D printed objects. According to the company, its process “reduces part debinding and sintering time by over 80%.”

Furthermore, “Parts can be processed to full density with ~20% shrinkage or infiltrated with a secondary metal resulting in full density and shrinkage of less than 3%.”

金属3dcurrently offers filaments fused with Stainless Steel 316L, and Tool Steel H-13.

金属3d's proposed metal 3D printing service. Launching Q2 2019. Image via Metallum3D
金属3d’s proposed metal 3D printing service. Launching Q2 2019. Image via Metallum3D


CIT GAP基金是非营利性创新加速器CIT的服务线,实际上是一个种子和早期投资基金的家族,遍布各种不同的专业技术领域。目前,总共五项资金包括CIT GAP基金家族:GAP基金I;GAP BIOLIFE基金;GAP技术基金;联邦能源基金(CEF);和弗吉尼亚创始人基金会。

通常,CIT缺口资金初始投资是疯了e up to the value of $100,000. In larger syndication rounds, this can extend up to around $500,000. Full terms of the Metallum3D investment however, including the amount granted, remain undisclosed. Thomas Weithman, Managing Director of CIT GAP Funds, comments, “A lot of businesses do not have the funds to utilize current methods of metal 3D printing technology. Metallum3D is changing that narrative for businesses, big and small, by providing an affordable, accessible solution.”

“CIT is excited to be a part of this mission, and we are certain that Metallum3D’s technology will meet many needs in the market.”

Speaking with Alex Euler, Investment Director at CIT, 3D Printing Industry learned the value this firm sees in the technology. “There is a significant and underserved market for full-product cycle metal 3D printing,” Euler comments, “Current metal technologies are cost prohibitive and desktop 3D printers are often underutilized. Metallum3D’s technology addresses both of these issues. CIT’s investment in Metallum3D enables firms operating in industries with exacting, industrial grade materials and fabrication – such as aerospace – to finally overcome prohibitively expensive barriers to market access.”

“Advanced manufacturing is on the Commonwealth’s Technology “Roadmap,” and as such, is considered a vitally important area for economic and technological growth across Virginia. This technology, in particular, seeks to streamline both manufacturing and innovation processes – and that potentially benefits many startups in Virginia and beyond.”

A spool of Metallum3D filament. Photo via Metallum3D
A spool of Metallum3D filament. Photo via Metallum3D

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