


七个不同的获奖者在这五个类别中分享了15,000欧元奖,并在Rapid.Tech + Fabcon 3.D Messe Erfurt的会议上获得了奖项。在会议的其他地方,德国公司的添加元素在推出其AE12活页夹喷射材料时,获得了启动奖

Here is a roundup of the winning designs from the annual competition.

Some of the finalists’ designs, including Project T.O.S.T and Palmyra Rebuilt, on display at the conference. Photo via 3DPC.

设计类别 -项目T.O.S.T.(拓扑优化的滑板卡车)

Weimar大学的Philipp Manger和Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena在颁奖典礼上获得了最佳设计奖。该项目也被评为最佳学生项目,随后被授予3,000欧元和Makerbot Replicator Mini+。


它是如此轻巧,甚至马蒂·麦克弗利(Marty McFly)也可以徘徊。


活动类别 - 打印饮料

本杰明·格里米尔(Benjamin Greimel)from the new laboratory for creative robotics of the University of Arts and Design Linz, Austria took home the award in the events category. His design is for a 3D liquid printing method which is referred to as the “world`s first 3D printing process for drinks and other liquid foods。” The PRINT A DRINK design is enabled by a KUKA robotic arm which injects microliters of edible liquid into a drink to form 3D patterns.

设计似乎与Rapid Liquid Printing method developed at MIT。然而,格林符(Greimel)的概念旨在用于较小的可食用设计,具有巨大的活动行业潜力。例如,该过程可用于为客人创建公司徽标。

印刷中印有饮料。图片通过Philipp Moosbrugger。
印刷中印有饮料。图片通过Philipp Moosbrugger。

MedTech类别 -Rig3d和Mecuris的宫颈矫形器“ Emydura”

在MedTech类别中,有两名获奖者Mecuris和Niklas Haman。麦古斯(Mecuris),以其闻名3D打印的脚假牙, were praised for their cervical device – Emydura. The German group were alsoaward-winners in last year’s Purmundus challenge。今年,Mecuris设计了一个3D打印的定制颈托架,既轻巧又结构合理。

尼克拉斯·哈曼(Niklas Haman)因其Rig3D 3D印刷医疗演员而受到赞誉。RIG3D是对用户的定制,可以适应特定的伤害。


Winners of the MedTech category Mecuris and Niklas Haman. Photo via 3DPC.
Winners of the MedTech category Mecuris and Niklas Haman. Photo via 3DPC.

材料类别 -Palmyra重建和盐珊瑚

材料类别中有两个获胜的设计:Palmyra重建和盐珊瑚。这两个项目都是由荷兰集团Concr3de的Eric Geboers和Matteo Baldassari设计的。


Using a special stone material, CONCR3DE 3D printed the Palmyra arch which was destroyed by ISIS in 2015. While for the coral lamp design, CONCR3DE used inket printing with salt. CONCR3DE was praised by the jury for its use of locally sourced materials.

The Salt Coral lamp by CONCR3DE. Image via 3DPC.
The Salt Coral lamp by CONCR3DE. Image via 3DPC.

FashionTech Category –Programmable Textiles

Ronny Haberer and Patrick Bösch from the Bauhaus University Weimar won this category for their Programmable Textiles design. The duo were recognized for their4D printing designwhich harnesses stretched fabric and an unwrapping software.


特色图像显示了使用Kuka机器人手臂的饮料过程。图片通过Philipp Moosbrugger。