
Giant 3D printed “bone structures” explore the possibilities of advanced architecture in Milan

意大利最大的技术大学Politecnico di Milano将在The The The2017年博览会。这小梁馆has been created by the university’s Architecture Computation Technology Lab (ACTLAB) to show the fluid possibilities of computer aided design (CAD) and 3D printing.

Architecture mimics nature

在解剖学中,小梁是取消或海绵状骨骼内组织的结缔带的名称。Actlab联合创始人Roberto Naboni和Ingrid Paoletti教授解释说,


Detail of the Trabeculae Pavilion’s 3D printed architecture. Photo via ACTLAB


这last decades have witnessed an exponential growth in the demand of raw materials due to the rapid industrialization of emerging economies and the high consumption of materials […] Our objective is to explore a new type of non-standard architecture: advanced, efficient and sustainable.

一个银行DeltaWASP FFF 3 d打印机,从北部意大利’s WASP (World’s Advanced Saving Project), were used to 3D print the小梁馆in segments.


Rebuilding the world with 3D printing

纽约的商店建筑师还创建了一个以生物学启发的凉亭世界上最大的3D印刷结构,对于2016 - 2017年的迈阿密设计展览。这Flotsam & Jetsam结构是在3D印刷建筑专家分支技术的帮助下,使用橡树岭国家实验室(ORNL)的基于竹的细丝。


这我nstitute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) in Spain, whose designers2016年12月的3D打印钢筋混凝土桥引起了轰动,与米兰的Actlab分享类似的原则。IAAC是“塑造城市,建筑和技术的未来”,全球工厂的中心城市运动。这concept of a Fab City is to create a more sustainable production cycle, and encourage localised manufacturing by connecting communities around the world.

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的壮举ured image shows the Trabeculae Pavilion 3D printed by ACTLAB in collaboration with Filoalfa. All photos featured in this article are courtesy of ACTLAB at Politecnico di Milano.