

Following an earlier report aboutOlli Nuuttila的倡议for 3D printing in schools, the tech is gaining more and more traction in Finland. The Finnish Ministry of Education has now granted a total €30,000 fund to support the purchase of 3D printers for selected schools in four Finnish cities: Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Riihimäki.

According to the Chief Inspector of the Ministry of Education, Kimmo Koskinen:“赫尔辛基教育部获得了18,000欧元的授予资金,Vantaa,Espoo和Riihimäki也是试验网络的一部分,拥有四所学校,每所学校获得3000欧元”. The 3D printing trial project for schools in Finland received applications from 26 cities, totalling 64 schools.

Although the grant may seem small in comparison to official investments of the US and UK governments, it represents a significant level of formal acceptance of the technology in a small country with a population of 5 million. Also, it should be noted that the money is coming directly from the Ministry of Education and is specifically aimed at schools, where young children can interact with and learn about 3D printing from a young age.

Juha Kantola和3D打印机
Teacher, Juha Kantola with a 3D printer.

就其赠款而言,并非所有学校都晋级,但这并没有阻止他们 - 位于芬兰Nivala小镇的Järvikylä学校组成了72名学生和四名老师。他们没有从教育部审判中获得资金。取而代之的是,学生的父母筹集了资金,为学校购买了3D打印机。

上图显示了Järvikylä学校的老师Juha Kantola及其3D打印机。在这种情况下,它正在打印由10岁学生Marjo Kivioja设计的钥匙链。这实际上是关键(双关语) - 年幼的孩子尝试设计和3D打印技术 - 并喜欢它。另一位参与该技术的学生是年轻的ValtteriPäivävirta,他正在研究他的老师从3D模型存储库中发现的手电筒模型。该文件尚未打印出3D,因为正如Valtteri自豪地指出的那样,他正在自定义文件,并“在上面打印我的名字”。

根据Järvikylä学校的校长Elina Jussila,”3D printing fits well into education because the children are born curious towards new things. Also the creative work increases their self-esteem.”
