
加拿大研究人员3 d打印金属象牙caps to protect the dental health of endangered walruses

加拿大的研究人员Écolede Technologiesupérieure(éts)和蒙特利尔大学为附近的濒临灭绝的海象的象牙有3D打印的保护性“冠”魁北克水族馆


“这种做法(在他们的牙齿上行走)在由冰和土壤制成的自然环境中毫无问题,”蒙特利尔大学动物学医学教授克莱尔·格罗塞特(Claire Grosset)解释说。“但是,在由混凝土,金属和其他材料组成的栖息地中,情况有所不同,这些栖息地可以承受这些动物,其体重可以达到一吨以上。”

研究人员的3D印刷冠已成功地安装在海象上,以防止其象牙受损。通过TheFeatured图像的照片显示了魁北克水族馆的一张海象,其3D打印的防护冠为止。通过CNW Group/écolede Technologiesupérieure摄影。
研究人员的3D印刷冠已成功地安装在海象(如图)上,以防止其象牙受到破坏。通过CNW Group/écolede Technologiesupérieure摄影。

Taking care of endangered walruses

Many Atlantic walruses, known in scientific circles asodobenus rosmarus,曾经live in Canada’s northern Arctic region, but they have been under threat of extinction for years. Having been hunted for its ivory, meat and blubber between the 17th and 19th centuries, the Atlantic walrus is now entirely extinct in the once populous areas of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia.


The species’ Latin nameOdobenus rosmarus大致翻译成“牙齿行走”,这是对它们如何从自然栖息地中抬出水中的恰当描述。不幸的是,既然它们生活在水族馆中,海象周围的混凝土和金属表面可能会损害其象牙,使它们处于牙科脓肿的危险中。





尽管过去已经开发了其他Tusk cap,但它们是使用常规生产过程创建的,并且该团队开始评估哪种金属将产生最佳设备。最终,研究人员选择了钴铬,因为它可以防止重复摩擦,同时耐盐水中的氧化。

该团队没有应用麻醉剂适合3D打印的冠冕,而是训练了海象以保持完美静止。通过CNW Group/écolede Technologiesupérieure摄影。
Instead of using local anesthetics to fit the 3D printed crowns, the team trained the walrus to remain perfectly still. Photo via the CNW Group/École de Technologie Supérieure.

During the 3D printing process, three different caps were produced, which offered clearances of between 0.25mm and 0.45 mm to the tusk. The different size options allowed the procedure’s veterinary surgeon to choose the optimal device, that wouldn’t weaken the adhesive’s bond, or prevent it from fitting tightly to the ivory.


Ultimately, the sea-faring animal managed to stay steady for five minutes straight, which allowed the veterinary expert to fit one of the 3D printed devices successfully. According to the researchers, it was a combination of the crown’s unique production process, and the bond between the mammal and her trainer, that made the overall procedure possible.


3D printing has proved to be an effective means of wildlife preservation in a wide variety of ways in recent years.

科学家肯特大学and conservation organisationPaso Pacifico, 已经开发的3D printed sea turtle eggs为了防止哥斯达黎加的真实盗窃和贸易。加性设备被昵称为“投资者”,以GPS跟踪器为特色,使它们可以用来发现高达137公里的非法贸易路线。

Engineers fromGeorgia Institute of Technology, meanwhile, have devised an innovative method of monitoring the environment at the亚特兰大植物园: 一个3D printed Slothbot。机器人哺乳动物目前在40英亩的森林上方的树木中游荡,以确保那里的温度,天气和二氧化碳水平保持一致。

在其他地方,一个建筑师团队在Hong Kong University(HKU)有3D印刷128六角形粘土瓷砖and dropped them into the ocean, in an attempt to preserve a local marine park there. It’s hoped that the fabricated structures, which were seeded with popular species from the bay, will provide a new home for dislodged coral to land on.

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特色图像显示了魁北克水族馆的一只海象,其3D印刷冠符合到位。通过CNW Group/écolede Technologiesupérieure摄影。