
ASTM International发布有关COVID期间添加剂制造的特刊杂志


智能和可持续的制造业于19日后制造时代’ comprises 21 peer-reviewed technical notes looking at how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected various areas of advanced manufacturing. Covered in the issue is the use of biotechnology platforms for vaccine production, the integration of artificial intelligence, the effect of additive manufacturing on supply chains, and more.

Explaining the reasoning for the issue, ASTM writes, “This pandemic created a totally uncharted territory, and nobody knows the path forward. Through this special issue, we want to give the world thought leadership for post–COVID-19 manufacturing. Though some of the use cases are from the USA, we feel that we have given the world a compendium of possible actions from practical and policy perspectives.”

ASTM还为专业人员提供3D打印培训课程。通过ASTM International摄影。
As well as industrial standards, ASTM also provides 3D printing training courses for professionals. Photo via ASTM International.


Looking at the 3D printing content in the issue, the technical note ‘快速对混合制造的紧急响应进行快速改造’详细信息,在高生产需求时期,增材制造业以及常规生产过程如何作为紧急响应。




Stratasys F900 Production 3D打印机上生产的3D打印工具。通过Stratasys的照片。
Stratasys F900 Production 3D打印机上生产的3D打印工具。通过Stratasys的照片。


The other major focus area takes a deeper dive into the supply chain, looking inside individual production facilities. ‘走向下一代大流行证明工厂探讨了3 d公关的作用inting in helping to create a safer working environment while protecting the productivity of an organization via production line redesigns.




As a standards developer, ASTM plays a part in every sector that makes use of additive manufacturing. The organization’sAdditive Manufacturing Center of Excellence(AM CoE) recently signed a cooperative agreement withNASA伙伴与“共同利益活动”合作。合作伙伴之间的三年合同,价值75万美元,将看到NASA确定潜在的3D打印项目for the AM CoE to execute.

早在9月,ASTM还启动了第三轮资金,以支持鼓励研究项目添加剂制造领域的标准化。The capital injection, supported by additional in-kind contributions, will go towards facilitating eight different projects with the ultimate aim of “aligning technical standardization with the rapidly evolving AM industry”.

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特色图像显示ASTM添加剂制造业卓越中心的3D打印。通过ASTM International摄影。