America's first 3D printed houses - 3D Printing Industry
3D Printing


The U.S may soon have 3D printed homes, and a new partnership are claiming they will be created in just one day. Construction company Sunconomy have teamed up with Russian 3D printers Apis Cor and their3D concrete printer并意识到这个野心。Sunconomy的创始人拉里·海恩斯(Larry Haines)希望公众与他们一起参加“ R使用API​​ COR的新3D混凝土打印机建造负担得起,智能,可持续住房的进化旅程“。目前,该项目的日光浴是众筹,目标超过500,000美元。

GIF在构建房屋模型时显示了APIS COR打印机的行动。GIF通过Apis Cor。

The Machine

Apis Cor的机器(如上图)在构造时只能消耗八千瓦的能量,并且由于添加剂制造几乎没有浪费。该机器的设计是可移植的,因为它可以在卡车的后部和从站点运输。虽然它没有任何轨道在打印时四处移动,但机器能够轻松打印这些小型设计,意味着在打印之前不需要组装额外的轨道。打印机的最大操作面积为132平方米,可以在短短三十分钟内设置。

Sunconomy's Plan A design. Image via Sunconomy
Sunconomy’s Plan A design. Image via Sunconomy

Sunconomy do not just want to just build houses though, their aim is to use these houses to teach others about the importance of sustainability. For Sunconomy, “这不仅仅是建造四堵墙和一个屋顶” and the company believe that as greater numbers of people are living in poverty across both America and the world construction in this manner could be a solution. Haines and the team behind Sunconomy are hoping for a revolution in construction and their first step is printing these two prototypes. The next, even more ambitious phase, is to build over 100 affordable homes set within a 21-acre ‘Eco-village’. Sunconomy also wishes to provide jobs with these houses by training workers in how to build more sustainable 3D printed houses and cities.

Why are they using 3D printing?

According to Sunconomy they have chosen 3D printing as their method to meet their aims because it provides:

  • 负担能力,浪费较少
  • Super strong housing (can resist winds of up to 220 MPH)
  • Net Zero energy consumption (meaning the amount of energy used is equal to amount produced)
  • 通过雨水集水
  • 使用天然材料
  • 与物联网(物联网)设备的兼容性
  • 使用降低降低重大危害风险(例如火灾或屋顶损坏)的材料的降低保险成本
Sunconomy’s Plan B design. Image via Sunconomy.

Using this brand new technology (3D printing) along with advancements in material science and insulation, we can build a house in a day that could stand up to a EF5 tornado, generate its own power and portable water, last hundreds of years and be as affordable as a stick built house

尽管如此,也许必须宏伟的日落计划才能激发尽可能多的兴趣并鼓励投资。设想3D打印在将来建造房屋的方式中发挥着很大的作用并不是不切实际的,也许该技术可以与使用的使用结合3D scanning in order to improve designs and customize the buildings.

Featured image of the Apis Cor 3D printer. Image via Apis Cor.