
增材制造用户组announces new board

增材制造用户组(AMUG) has announced appointments for 2019-2020 board. The board’s primary responsibilities will be to build and oversee the 2020Amug会议and develop a better organizational structure to support the annual event.

The nine member board is comprised of both elected and appointed positions, and each board member serves as an officer of the organization.

Founded in the early 1990s AMUG educates and supports users of all additive manufacturing technologies, hosting an annual conference to provide this education and training through technical presentations on processes and new technologies. Members include Stratasys, DSM, SLM Solutions, EOS, GE Additive, ExOne, BASF, Renishaw, Carbon, HP, Additive Industries, Formlabs, and 3D Systems.

欢迎与会者参加2018年AMUG会议的圣路易斯联合车站酒店。迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch)的照片。


卡尔·德克(Carl Dekker)Met-L-Flo, who has served two terms as vice president, will now take on the role of president, replacing Paul Bates ofUl,他决定在任期两个任期后决定不竞选连任。

Commenting on the announcement, Carl Dekker said, “I am excited to be AMUG’s 2020 president. We have an excellent and experienced team leading us on the path to the next event.”


德克也表示感谢马克Barfoot的years of service. Barfoot, who is stepping down from past president, has served nine consecutive terms in roles that included vice president and president.

Andrew Allshorn of在3D平方, who has served as an AMUG global ambassador, was elected for the vice president position, previously held by Dekker.

三名现任者寻求连任并保留其职位。杰米·科恩(Jamie Cone)BDwill serve a third term as vice-president, and Leslie Frost ofGE添加剂将担任秘书的第二任期。在他的二十六学期中,托马斯·索罗维茨FCA将再次担任Amug的活动经理。

董事会是由Amug的成员在伊利诺伊州芝加哥举行的最新年度会议上选出的。Candidates for the appointed positions of chairman, treasurer, and AM industry advisor were proposed and accepted by the elected officers.填补这些职位的是加里·拉比诺维茨(Gary Rabinovitz)(主席),文斯·埃内特(Vince Anewenter)(司库)和托德·格林(Todd Grimm)(AM行业顾问)。

Preparing for the AMUG conference


这five-day conference will include a two-night exhibitor expo, hands-on workshops, training labs, instructional sessions, technical presentations, and an off-site dinner.

Earlier this year we conducted interviews with several of thekeynote speakers关于他们参加AMUG 2019的期望,见解和原因。

2019-2020 AMUG董事会成员

*主席:Carl Dekker,Met-L-Flo

*前总统:保罗·贝茨(Paul Bates),UL

*副总裁:BD Jamie Cone

* Vice President: Andrew Allshorn, At 3D-Squared

* Event Manager: Tom Sorovetz, FCA

*秘书:莱斯利·弗罗斯特(Leslie Frost),GE添加剂

*主席:加里·拉比诺维茨(Gary Rabinovitz),锐步

* Treasurer: Vince Anewenter, Milwaukee School of Engineering

* AM行业顾问:Todd Grimm,T。A. Grimm&Associates


More information aboutAmug 2020和完整的会议计划can be found here.

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Featured image shows the 2019-2020 AMUG board. Photo via AMUG.