
3DILIGENT在Grand Designs提供硅胶3D打印

快速制造服务提供商3DILIGENT推出了硅胶的3D打印到其能力。位于加利福尼亚州El Segundo的总部位于加利福尼亚州,该公司现在正在接受硅胶的引用请求,希望创新的设计师能够利用该服务。


Meeting the demands of designers

Silicone possesses many advantages over other materials, including high tensile strength, elasticity and electrical conductivity (at high temperatures). Traditionally, silicone has been manufactured through traditional means, making complex geometries and shapes challenging.

Cullen Hilkene., CEO of 3Diligent, described the ability to 3D print silicone as “an exciting innovation.” He added that 3Diligent strives “to meet the 3D Printing needs of all designers and [was] pleased to expand our range of elastomeric materials with silicone.”

3Diligent’s exisitng catalogue of additive manufacturing materials is now being expanded. Photo via 3Diligent.


To make the process of obtaining a 3D printed silicone part easier, 3Diligent provides a portal for designers to upload CAD files and submit requests for quotes.

Once the CAD file is uploaded, 3Diligent will identify the optimal silicone fabrication solution, and complete the order (including slicing, printing and post production) upon the quote’s acceptance.


3D printed silicone has recently been seen in several medical applications. The University of Florida is in the process of developing3D printed liquid silicone提供具有成本效益的医疗植入物。Eth苏黎世也生产了first ever fully 3D printed functional heartout of silicone.


The silicone artificial heart. Image via Zurich Heart.
eth苏黎世’s silicone artificial heart is just one example of how 3D printed silicone could revolutionize medicine. Image via Zurich Heart.

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