3D Printing News Digest

3D Printing Industry launches Another Dimension podcast

3D Printing Industry is making it even easier for you to keep up-to-date with the latest news and developments in additive manufacturing with the launch of the Another Dimension podcast.

从下周开始,将提供另一个Dimension Podcast的每周一次讨论风格的综述,对3D印刷领域的顶级新闻报道提供了另一个Dimension Podcast。

另一个维度will be hosted by 3DPI’s Editor-in-chief Michael Petch, who will be leading the weekly news discussion with the rest of the 3DPI editorial team.

另一个维度will comb through the news of the past week to dig up the most interesting launches, innovations, and collaborations currently circulating the 3D printing sector. The 3DPI team will evaluate the significance, relevance, and potential wide-reaching impacts of each news item, providing a bite-sized yet comprehensive guide to the key developments in the 3D printing industry.

注册3D Printing Industry newsletter在下周可用的第一集时,要通知。


Nominations for the2020 3D印刷行业奖仍然是开放的,让我们知道谁是领导印第安纳州ustry now.

The fourth edition of the3D印刷行业奖奖杯设计竞赛is now underway. Enter your design for the chance to win a CraftBot Flow 3D printer.

To stay up to date with the latest 3D printing news, don’t forget to subscribe to the3D Printing Industry newsletteror follow us on推特or liking our page onFacebook.

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