

一群外科医生American Family Children’s Hospital(AFCH),威斯康星州,正在与工程师合作威斯康星大学麦迪逊大学to use 3D printing to prepare for pediatric heart surgeries.

Practise before it matters

3D printing as a surgical planning aid has been pioneered by hospitals like thePhoenix Children’s Research Institute在贾斯汀·瑞安(Justin Ryan)博士和斯蒂芬·波多尔(Stephen Pophal)博士的带领下,这是将3D印刷的进步转化为医学研究的。

这team at AFCH, led by Dr. Petros Anagnostopoulos, has been scanning patients’ hearts using traditional medical scans to create 3D printed models that surgeons can interact with before entering the operating room. The benefits are clear, says Dr Anagnostopoulos, “There’s a lot of ability to see the relationship of the different parts of the heart as they are in real time. It prepares your whole team better”.

One patient, six year old Joseph Oehlof, had a heart condition that may have required a transplant. Dr. Anagnostopoulos was able to prepare for the complex surgery using 3D printed models, which he says improved the surgery’s chances of success.


translating advances in engineering to the hospital

Roldan Alzate和他的工程师团队帮助AFCH开发了这项技术,尽管他认为医疗领域的3D印刷的潜力才刚刚开始实现,“人体中的任何地方都会从3D打印中受益。t他只是开始。”

中国郑州的另一家医院进行了一项小型研究,表明对患有相同心脏病患者的心脏手术是around 30 minutes faster3D扫描患者的心脏有助于手术计划。尽管需要进一步的研究来证实他们的发现,但很明显,3D打印已成为世界各地手术计划的常规部分。

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