
The State of Resin 3D Printing: Dr. Edwin Hortelano, SVP, Materials Engineering and Development, 3D Systems

3D系统是第一家商业化SLA 3D打印的公司,因此没有系列State of Resin 3D printing没有他们的见解就会完整。

Edwin Hortelano博士是材料工程和开发高级副总裁3D Systems。负责3D系统的所有材料开发,Hortelano博士带来了从材料科学和化学专注于企业的长期职业中获得的经验,其中包括担任Bostik Inc.的CTO。


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The 3D Systems SLA 1. Photo by Michael Petch.
The 3D Systems SLA 1. Photo by Michael Petch.

3DPI: How have you seen resin-based 3D printing develop in recent years?

埃德温·霍特拉诺(Edwin Hortelano)博士:总体而言,该行业继续扩大可以使用3D打印机交付的物业。3D系统在这项创新中发挥了重要作用。例如,我们为图4发布了许多新材料®近年来,打印机扩大了可以用光聚合物解决的特性。我对图4 Pro-Blk 10感到特别兴奋,它不仅具有出色的长期稳定性,而且表现出通常与热固化材料中的热塑性相关的特性。图4 Pro-Blk 10填补了最终部分生产中使用的材料的许多短期和长期要求。

Across the industry, there have also been some promising developments with elastomeric materials. In particular, some of the developments with silicone-based materials have been quite interesting.

I believe that the industry will continue to expand the properties that can be delivered by continually enhancing the chemistry to create these materials.

3D系统图4模块化。迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch)的照片。
3D系统图4模块化。迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch)的照片。


埃德温·霍特拉诺(Edwin Hortelano)博士:除了扩大物理特性外,我预计光聚合物的价值将增加,因为长期稳定性以及其他特性有所改善,例如火焰粘贴,电导率,颜色,颜色或环境影响降低。但是,在这方面,3D系统仍在取得长足的进步。目前,我们正在尝试一种材料,我们已经能够实现壁厚小于2mm的壁厚V0,这被认为是良好的性能。这种特殊的材料也在正常条件下打印;也就是说,不需要加热的构建室。



埃德温·霍特拉诺(Edwin Hortelano)博士:目前,用于增值税光聚合应用的材料(即立体光刻或SLA)主要用于原型或有限寿命应用,例如投资铸造。SLA在长期用途中的应用由于速度缓慢和缺乏生产级材料而目前服务不足。


Dr. Edwin Hortelano: I believe one of the biggest opportunities is to develop new materials that promise longer life to serve production applications. 3D Systems recently introduced our Accura®AMX Rigid Black material to facilitate such applications. This is a derivative of Figure 4 PRO-BLK 10, one of our most successful materials for production applications, adapted for vat photopolymerization. We intend to continue with the strategy of using our Figure 4 resins as a source for new vat photopolymerization products to help our customers address their production application needs.

More articles in this series: TheState of 3D Printing: Resin.

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Featured image shows an early 3D Systems Logo. Photo by Michael Petch.

有关此主题的更多信息 树脂3D打印状态:Rich Proctor,AME-3D