
Teenage student uses 3D printing to create SLIDEMAP cancer detection machine

来自佛罗里达州博卡拉顿(Boca Raton)的学生德文·威利斯(Devin Willis)创建了一种创新的设备,可以使用3D打印和计算机编程自动化癌症检测。这位14岁的人目前是2017年年轻科学家挑战赛的决赛入围者他三年前使用他的设备SlideMap进入了这一点。


Devin has used 3D printing and computer programming to create a machine that can make the cancer detection process more automated. As one of the leading causes of death in the U.S, Devin believes his device can radically improve detection before it is too late. Devin explains in his competition entry video the difficulty for histopathologists to detect cancer is due to the time and labor involved. Histopathologists are those that diagnose and study disease by understanding the patient’s cells and tissue samples.


Screenshot from Devin's entry video displaying the cancer scanning process. Image via Devin Willis.
Screenshot from Devin’s entry video displaying the cancer scanning process. Image via Devin Willis.




谈到当地新闻WPTV,德文(Devin)揭示了祖父最近如何死于癌症,而他的父亲是一名癌症研究员,因此不幸的是,这种疾病与学生的心脏非常接近。作为发现教育和3M年轻科学家挑战赛的一部分,为参赛者提供了导师和德文的3M科学家约翰·亨德森(John Henderson)的指导者,解释了该设备对WPTV的重要性,

Cancer diagnosis is a manual process, so it can take a while before a patient receives their biopsy results to learn if they need treatment. In one elegant bundle of technology, Devin’s invention automates this detection step and could also improve diagnosis accuracy. On top of that, his device is much lower in cost than existing alternatives, which reduces the barrier for developing countries to improve standards of care.

3D printing seems to have become a useful tool in researching this disease as we recently reported on a study whichanalyzed the effectiveness of 3D printing in cancer researchwith claims the technology can be used to produce体外癌细胞。3D打印也已用于治疗癌症,法国研究人员创造了3D printed breast implant lattice for reconstruction surgery.

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Featured image shows a histopathologic image of oral cancer cells. Image via Wikimedia Commons.