
Shapeways’ Challenge for New York’s Top Makers

Following the recent opening ofShapewaysFactory of the Future in New York,该公司为该城市的制造商,设计师和工程师提出了新的挑战,以创建具有商业潜力的产品原型。挑战是由彭博市长发起的,目标是支持设计驱动的生产,并促进纽约工业业务,设计和工程社区的创新。

The Challenge begins this month (mid November) and key makers, designers and engineers will be invited to enter their prototypes in the challenge. According to Shapeways, the challenge will be open for submissions until mid February 2013. Finalists will be selected by an expert panel of judges and the participants will be guided on the path to commercialisation during the studio phase.

援助将包括赞助商Nydesigns的工作室空间,业务支持以及来自Adafruit Industries,Honeybee Robotics和Shapeways人员等行业专家的指导。在工作室阶段之后,法官将向最有前途的获胜者颁发额外的现金奖励,该阶段将在2013年4月至8月之间。

shapeways challenge