

Nano Dimension Ltd.,,,,a leader in the field of 3D printed electronics (NASDAQ, TASE: NNDM), announced today the opening of its first Customer Experience Center (CEC). The Israel location is the first of several Nano Dimension Customer Experience Centers planned worldwide to accelerate the adoption of additive manufacturing for electronics development. Nano Dimension’s CECs will also serve as customer and reseller training facility and sales support centers.

CEC是Nano Dimensions上市和业务开发策略的组成部分,并表示该公司从最初的研发阶段转变为完整产品商业化。在CEC,客户,分销商和战略合作伙伴将对公司的开创性3D打印技术进行第一手了解,并将学习使用增材制造的设计和生产电子组件和电路。

CEC位于Ness Ziona公司的总部,将配备Nano Dimension的商业上可用Dragonfly™2020 Pro 3D打印机,,,,specifically designed for professional electronics development. Printing will be demonstrated on-site, and samples produced by the DragonFly will be on-hand for viewing.

Some of Nano Dimension’s top talent will operate the CEC, including technicians and engineers specializing in additive design and production. Nano Dimension specialists will also provide tailored advice to the specific needs of each company about the best way to implement 3D-printed electronics for specific applications.

PCB Design Layer. Image via Nano Dimension
PCB Design Layer. Image via Nano Dimension

Nano Dimension首席执行官Amit Dror表示:“从事计算和促使硬件产品的公司承受着迅速加快其概念为市场准备就绪产品的压力,同时满足了对小型,更快,更具功能性电子产品的需求。”“我们正在使敏捷硬件开发立即通过我们的客户体验中心访问,该中心将作为高级增材制造技术的一站式商店。客户首次可以利用Nano Dimension的专业知识,并在现场体验电气化添加剂制造应用的好处。”

The company sees great value in demonstrating the unique capabilities of its new professional 3D printer, theDragonFly 2020 Pro,,,,for Industry 4.0 preparedness. This is thanks to the printer’s ability to quickly and easily produce proofs of concept, design validations and professional multilayer prototypes and functional parts in-house. The revolutionary printer allows for 3D-printing of a multilayer circuit boards overnight, allowing users to rapidly test and iterate resulting in better workflow efficiencies. This process can radically reduce development risks and shorten time to market.