3D Printing


中国最著名的美食之一,月亮cake, is a sweet cookie-like bakery product most popularly consumed at the Mid-Autumn Festival, an annual event for worship of the lunar cycle and moon watching. This indispensable cultural snack has been a staple of the festival for quite some time, and多亏了郑大学的一群学生,现在可以以更现代的方式以独特和节日的形状印刷3D。

3dprintingmoon2 吉江大学的学生创建了他们的3D打印初创公司Hangzhou印刷技术公司,该公司于2014年担任独立研究团队。该初创公司的目标是生产大众饼干,蛋糕和其他针对中国传统生产的各种食品。使用Zhejiang大学科学园区大楼实验室,配备了CAD印刷和设计中心,学生团队能够生产鹰形的月蛋糕饼干以及其他未遂的形状,表明这些节日小吃可以通过3D打印来更好地设计和生产技术。他们的3D印刷Mooncake现在可以公开购买和消费,及时在27日中期的中期节日开始Th9月。他们的月蛋糕可以由公众以廉价的价格购买,向准备即将举行的庆祝活动的居民提供两,四包和六包饼干。


该团队由四个本科生组成,最初由前工业设计专业的学生李金·尤恩(Li Jing Yuan)创立,后者主要专注于上学时的3D印刷。尽管他们的月饼小吃才刚刚向消费市场提供,但该团队已经达到了他们的销售目标的中间标志,并希望在节日开始的时候开始。

The project is not meant to put traditional manufacturers out of business; rather the team is hoping to show these companies how useful 3D printing technology can be in the production of food. Li Jing Yuan and his team are improving a long-standing tradition, and will hopefully influence traditional manufacturers to use 3D printing technology to help create a more customizable, edible product. For now, they are sure to be the talk of the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival, and are hoping to transform their traditions with a more modern, technological process.

有关此主题的更多信息 3D打印市场“ Formsfield”在波兰萌芽