
Interview: Nanofabrica’s Avi Cohen on advancing Micro Additive Manufacturing with the Tera 250


Previously, there have been inevitable trade-offs between producing parts in robust materials and producing parts that are highly precise, with few additive manufacturing processes capable of combining the two successfully. With the commercialization of Israel-based Micro Additive Manufacturing systems manufacturer纳米’s但是,TERA 250技术现在已经在微观尺度上成为可能。

我与Nanofabrica的EVP全球销售Avi Cohen坐下来讨论该公司的旗舰TERA 250添加剂制造系统以及公司微型添加剂制造技术的好处和应用。

Avi Cohen, EVP Global Sales at Nanofabrica. Photo via Nanofabrica.
Avi Cohen, EVP Global Sales at Nanofabrica. Photo via Nanofabrica.

Micro Additive Manufacturing with speed and precision


According to Cohen, the concept behind the Tera 250 originated out of the need to overcome issues regarding lack of precision, micron tolerances, and materials suitable for volume production for end-use microscale products and larger macro objects with intricate micro-details.

他说:“因此,该机器针对的是众多行业领域,这些行业是由持续动态的,微型化的塑料零件和组件驱动的,同时使其功能最大化。”“直到引入TERA 250之前,这种要求只能由传统的微型造型技术满足,但是微型造型工艺受到制造时间耗时且昂贵的微型工具的要求,并且也因其无能为力而感到沮丧如果有的话,以成本有效的方式包括几何复杂性。”


TERA 250如何工作?

TERA 250在Micro-DLP灯发动机上运行,​​并通过将紫外线投射到充满聚合物树脂的增值税中,并将其一层固化成3D构建。该系统能够在相对较大的构建体积上实现令人印象深刻的单微晶分辨率,尺寸为50 x 50 x 100mm。

TERA 250使用自适应光学器件来电子控制关键的光学工作点参数,例如焦点,倾斜和散光,还具有光学机械设备,以实时促进其他参数的校正,例如XY平面中的位置和准确性。该设备还可以纠正自由度,例如摆动,以使零件更好地表面饰面。

Cohen补充说:“ TERA 250还采用了选择性分辨率策略,这意味着需要精细细节的区域相对较慢。”“但是,如果细节不是那么严格,则该零件的打印速度更快。这可能使整个印刷速度比其他微型AM平台快。”

Additionally, the system makes use of algorithms to control and optimize its hardware. Closed loop feedback algorithms are deployed to increase accuracy and repeatability during production, and to correct positioning errors using laser distance measurements. Meanwhile, another algorithm family enables customized file preparation through optimizing the system’s print angle, build-plate orientation, and supports, in order to ensure accurate, timely, and cost-effective part production.

科恩说,正是TERA 250的使用速度和成本效益将其与市场上其他微观3D打印系统区分开来。

他解释说:“ TERA 250始终被设计为在真正的工业环境中使用,并且从来没有注定要留在研究实验室中获得令人印象深刻的准确性结果,但从未看到过白天的商业目的。”“ 3D打印的关键属性之一是它是一项快速的技术,不需要工具,并且能够从设计文件中打印,这意味着可以满足市场目标的严格时间。如果生产过程缓慢,则所有替代方案都是,机器的整个目标都会受到破坏。”

TERA 250能够制造产品,例如微电子套管,微弹簧,微弹簧,微传感器,微执行器和许多医疗应用。通过Nanofabrica摄影。
TERA 250能够制造产品,例如微电子套管,微弹簧,微弹簧,微传感器,微执行器和许多医疗应用。通过Nanofabrica摄影。



利用这一专业知识,该公司为TERA 250开发了专有材料,以通过修改其聚合半径,粘度,表面张力和光谱光渗透深度来实现超高分辨率零件的生产。

“Due to the uniqueness of our technology, the Tera 250 Micro AM system can accommodate many different composite materials, and different mixes of composites with different types of nano particles,” says Cohen. “This is where our R&D work for future material development is focused at the moment, hybrid materials and various mixes of materials that can only be printed on the Tera 250 to micron resolution.”

Nanofabrica引入的第一种材料是其专有的N-800 ABS样材料,其强度和柔韧性为特征。尽管科恩说N-800有无数的应用程序,但它特别适合电子,光学,汽车和航空航天等行业中的结构微型应用。

The second material engineered by the company for the Tera 250 is its Performance N-900, a ceramic-loaded material that when successfully printed can achieve a similar resolution to other non-ceramic materials. The Nanofabrica team is currently working on the development of other high concentration composite materials with one micron resolution.

Cohen补充说:“使用TERA 250上的复合材料对行业来说是真正的游戏规则改变者,消除了重新磨削或烧结的需求。”“我们认为这种数字纳米材料是即将到来的工程材料的未来。”



关于应用程序,纳米佛教认为Tera 250非常适合许多小部分的制造能力和该系统3D打印技术提供的几何自由。

“There are some obvious areas that the Tera 250 can make a huge impact and disrupt traditional manufacturing processes,” Cohen says. “We have identified a series of killer applications where there is burgeoning market demand, where the only route to market at the moment is through disproportionately expensive or restrictive traditional manufacturing technologies, and where the use of AM can open up significant advances in terms of design and functionality.”



他解释说:“传统的微型制造工艺(例如微型造型)极大地限制了微流体通道的设计自由,几乎不可能使用此类工艺在其中制造功能子结构。”“ TERA 250微型AM技术系统克服了这些障碍,而不会损害精度或质量。”

Cohen believes the Tera 250 opens up numerous opportunities for Nanofabrica’s customers within the micro manufacturing sector to fully take advantage of the benefits of Micro Additive Manufacturing. The technology facilitates the production of lower volume production runs more cost-effectively than would be possible via traditional microscale manufacturing processes, making them economically viable while promoting the opportunity for mass customization.

他总结说:“每个人都正确地提到了流程的时间和成本节省,但是现在刺激创新的领域是真正的重点。”“ AM在使用传统制造过程时促进了几何复杂性。这意味着设计工程师的盖子被取消,并且现在删除了优化产品和创新产品的障碍。


TERA 250现在可从纳米型餐厅商业上获得,并且可以在此处进行任何查询。展望未来,该公司将继续根据其软件和硬件开发来完善系统,并将重点放在物质创新上。

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