
IN(3D)USTRY: Reducing time to market with printing farms & smart factories

作为巴塞罗那行业周和在(3D)USTRY:从需求到解决方案添加和高级制造全球枢纽concludes, the future of 3D printing the path to industrialization shows promise.

专注于数字化和行业4.0,3D印刷行业通过参加(3D)USTRY TALK“印刷农场和智能工厂”来了解有关此类技术如何与添加剂制造合作的更多信息。

The following includes some of the insights made by Pedro Mier, Adviser and Member of the Board of Directors atPremo Group,Ignacio Artola Guardiola,董事总经理Accenture,RamónParicioHernández,生产经理座位,,,,and Ramón Pastor, Vice President and General Manager of惠普的大格式打印。

佩德罗·米尔(Pedro Mier)of Premo Group, Ignacio Artola Guardiola of Accenture, Ramón Paricio Hernández of SEAT, and Ramón Pastor, HP. Photo by Tia Vialva.
佩德罗·米尔(Pedro Mier)of Premo Group, Ignacio Artola Guardiola of Accenture, Ramón Paricio Hernández of SEAT, and Ramón Pastor, HP. Photo by Tia Vialva.

佩德罗·米尔(Pedro Mier),,,,Premo Group

“我们所有人都需要适应我们在增材制造中看到的新连接性。这包括AI,大数据和云计算,这些计算现在处于我们的指尖。作为创新磁学的全球领导者,implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies has shown us a product success rate from 45% to 69%, particularly in automotive.

With three factories using a network based on cloud computing and radio prototyping, we have defined a production model that has offered us both speed and flexibility. This needs to be established by all companies wishing to leverage such technologies.


佩德罗·米尔(Pedro Mier)of Premo Group at IN(3D)USTRY. Photo by Tia Vialva.
佩德罗·米尔(Pedro Mier)of Premo Group at IN(3D)USTRY. Photo by Tia Vialva.

Ignacio Artola Guardiola,,,,Accenture

“Manufacturing from scratch is possible thanks to additive manufacturing and its technologies. We as a community have the raw materials, the end-to-end security, the advanced software, therefore a smart factory is massively scalable. This change of paradigm can be unnerving for manufacturers which can停止行业4.0相关采用。但是,为了发展价值链,物联网需要成为优先事项。”


“In this digital era, we no longer have to depend on people, which is why the fourth industrial revolution is different from its predecessors. Within the automotive industry, SEAT acknowledges that cars are the main transportation solution and with this important realization, we must take manufacturing seriously.

与添加剂制造合作的连通性是安全和利润丰厚的批量生产的关键 - 就像面包师找到了面包的理想温度。这就是为什么我们正在培训员工进行数字化培训 - 与我们的机械合作以定制零件,质量和物流。”

拉蒙·帕里西奥·埃尔南德斯(RamónParicioHernández),,,,Production Manager at SEAT, showing the company's digital vision. Photo by Tia Vialva.
拉蒙·帕里西奥·埃尔南德斯(RamónParicioHernández),,,,Production Manager at SEAT, showing the company’s digital vision. Photo by Tia Vialva.



通过数字库存,设计优化和串行生产,通过增加对工业硬件的投资,服务局正在成为智能工厂。此外,我们需要创建更多的数字工厂3D Hubs,给大型制造商使用另外的解决方案tive manufacturing.”

拉蒙牧师at IN(3D)USTRY.Photo by Tia Vialva.
拉蒙牧师at IN(3D)USTRY. Photo by Tia Vialva.

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Featured image shows the interior of IN(3D)USTRY. Photo by Tia Vialva.