

Groupe Gorgé,法国工程集团和3D打印机制造商和服务提供商的母公司Prodways Group,报告的收入比2020年的收入下降了20%。


在截至2020年6月30日的六个月中,GroupeGorgé产生了1.08亿欧元的合并收入,降低了20.2%,而2019年H1中报告的1.354亿欧元。35.2 percent drop over Q2 2020,这表明该公司2020年第二季度的挑战性要比第一次更具挑战性。



GrougGorgé集团及其3D印刷子公司的收入都在H1 2020中下降。通过Prodways摄影。
GroupGorgé及其3D印刷子公司的收入在H1 2020中的收入下降。照片通过Prodways。

GroupeGorgé的H1 2020财务业绩

Revenue at Groupe Gorgé is reported across three main segments: Smart Safety Systems, Protection of High-Risk Installations, and 3D printing. Smart Safety Systems, which includes the Group’s revenue from its robotics, aerospace, and simulation products, contributes the largest share of the company’s consolidated revenue.

Over the first half of 2020, Smart Safety Systems generated €43.1 million in revenue, a 24.5 percent reduction compared to the €57.1 million reported in H1 2019. The company’s Protection of High-Risk Installations segment also saw a revenue decline in H1 2020, falling to €38.5 million, from the €43.5 million generated over H1 2019.

Groupe Gorgé’s 3D printing division revenue for H1 2020 was €26.8 million, a 23.9 percent drop compared to the €35.3 million reported in H1 2019. The company’s overall products segment revenue fell a further 30.4 percent in H1 2020, which the firm attributed to the “adverse effects” of the ongoing pandemic.

(以百万欧元为单位) H1 2020 H1 2019 Change (%)
智能安全系统 43.1 57.1 -24.5
保护高风险装置 38.5 43.5 -11.5
3D打印 26.8 35.3 -23.9

在2020年第二季度,Groupe峡谷的航空业务was particularly badly affected by COVID-19, and this has been reflected in the wider sector.波音数字也受到大流行的影响,而GE的航空收入下降了从2019年第二季度的85亿美元到2020年代第二季度的37亿美元。

Despite its overall drop in revenue, Groupe Gorgé maintains that its 3D printing sales have improved month-by-month, recovering significantly in June. Groupe Gorgé’s traditionally strong audiology and dental revenue streams were badly affected by the closure of medical practices in April. As medical practitioners have begun trading again, the firm has reportedly seen these areas return to near-pre-pandemic trading levels.

Group Gorge's revenues from its dental and medical businesses were badly hit by the European lockdown. Photo via Group Gorge.




The Group’s systems sales have been built on an improved order backlog generated during Q2 2020. As of June 30th 2020, the company’s backlog across all its divisions stood at €617 million, which was 2.6 percent higher than it was on March 31st 2020. According to Groupe Gorgé, this “momentum throughout the period” has prepared the group well for a strong recovery in H2 2020.

GrougGorgé的扩张潜力在H2 2020

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, Groupe Gorgé has implemented cost savings and industrial设施简化了计划,以试图在某种程度上减轻其影响。尽管大流行影响了对公司产品的需求,但这部分被政府支持的休假在公司的所有部门中所抵消。


随着Gorgé集团进入H2 2020,它仍然专注于涉及“高科技内容”的工业活动。该集团最近在其智能安全系统部门赢得了2000万欧元的合同,现在拥有8000万欧元的现金储备,使其能够充分利用任何潜在的收购机会。

With this in mind, Group Gorgé has announced its intention to fully-absorb its subsidiary ECA, bringing potential cost-reductions and eliminating the dual listing of the companies. The deal was approved by the ECA’s board of directors on September 21st 2020, and follows the Group’s acquisition ofInterdam,它于今年早些时候完成。

在H2 2020年,Gorgé集团致力于确定进一步的增长机会,因为它试图以“最有前途的活动”为基础。

“With nearly €80 million in available cash and cash equivalents, the Group has never been in a better position to seize acquisition opportunities that may arise in the current context,” stated the company. “The Group is refocusing on businesses with high technological content that will also translate into a strengthening of the Group’s most promising activities.”

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Featured image shows the DLP head of a 3D printer produced byGroupGorgé的子公司产品。通过Prodways的照片。