
神经胶质in urgent appeal to get open-source 3D printed tourniquets to injured Ukrainians


Known as the ‘Gaza Tourniquet’ due to its initial usage in Palestine, the low-cost medical device, composed of padding, as well as a buckle, holder, rod and shells, can be 3D printed from ABS and applied to prevent bleeding in the severely injured.

在接到乌克兰的国际援助机构和医疗保健工人的电话后,Glia现在不仅使绷带的设计档案免费为地面上的医务人员提供了download via Github, 但推出了筹款活动through which it’s seeking to raise $25,000 towards manufacturing and shipping them to those in need.

Glia的筹款页面解释说:“ GLIA将在加拿大和乌克兰创建止血带,并传播我们如何在战场条件下生产更多的经验。”“这些止血带将分发给有严重伤害和死亡风险的乌克兰的医院和平民。”

“We’re watching a humanitarian tragedy unfold in Ukraine, and civilians are bearing the brunt of it. We can and must help.”

神经胶质says that its ‘Gaza Tourniquets’ can be 3D printed for less than half the price of gold-standard devices. Image via Tarek Loubani, Glia.


Established with the goal of “creating medical hardware that’s easily accessible and can be manufactured in low-resource settings,” the Glia Project has developed a mini-range of proprietary clinical devices in recent years. These not only include the Gaza Tourniquet, but face shields, an otoscope and a stethoscope as well, which together, are already being used in their thousands around the world.

The latter is particularly impressive, in that Glia says that it performs as well as traditional Littmann Cardiology III stethoscopes, but can be 3D printed at a fraction of the price. Built around the Littmann’s design, now that its patent has expired, the team’s stethoscope costs just $20 to manufacture, and it has even gained a Medical Device Establishment License from the加拿大卫生部权威。

In terms of Glia’s compression bandage, the Gaza Tourniquet was dreamt up in response to protests in Palestine’s Gaza Strip during 2018, which between March 30 and May 4, 2018, were said to have resulted in over 2,800 injuries.



加沙的一名受伤的抗议者,有一个Glia Gaza Tourniquet。
加沙的一名受伤的抗议者,有一个Glia Gaza Tourniquet。图片通过Tarek Loubani,Glia。

A distributed manufacturing campaign





话虽这么说,卢巴尼还鼓励那些没有医疗生产经验的人将其留给专业人士,并说“创建一种救生设备,如果某人失败,可能杀死某人可能不是起点。”但是那些具有想要在乌克兰做一些事情的技能的人,可以访问Gaza Tourniquet’s design filesnow, while those without are encouraged todonate to Glia’s fundraiser

Featured image shows a collection of prosthetics currently used by Syria Relief. Photo via Syria Relief


由于该技术与传统制造方法相比,该技术的可访问性和成本效能不断增强,因此已经进行了多次部署3D打印,以迅速为需要它的人提供帮助。例如,2018年,英国慈善机构叙利亚救济提出,正在进行的叙利亚内战创造的假肢需求可以满足3D印刷,并且called for UK government support

开源软件开发人员VFRAME同时,已经开发了一种创造的手段3D印刷Warzone弹药复制品旨在帮助人权调查人员探索远处的潜在违规行为。这些设备是通过SLA 3D打印机制造的,已经是根据据称在叙利亚,也门和苏丹使用的非法集群炸弹的形象制造的mnemonicproject.

3D printing’s applications within the defense industry are well-known, and the technology has been used to build elements of weapons, as well as the bandaging needed to heal those injured by them. The UK’s国防科学技术实验室甚至提高了3D打印炸药before, as part ofMinistry of Defence计划更好地利用高级技术。


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特色图片显示了三个神经胶质3D印刷的“加沙止血带”。图片通过Glia的Tarek Loubani。