
鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johson)在特拉法加广场(Trafalgar Square)公布了“胜利拱门”的3D模型

在这里,在3DPrintingIndustry,我们喜欢涵盖3D打印和3D扫描应用程序。我们最喜欢结合这些新技术的项目之一是扫描世界initiative from MyMiniFactory.文化遗产对于我们如何将自己视为人至关重要。它反映了我们作为人类的悠久历史遗产,并使人们具有认同感和共同的过去。它以多种形式出现,无论是特定的信念,对象,仪式还是传统。失去文化遗产是失去自己的身份。随着自然灾害和人类冲突,最近这种损失变得越来越明显。

Vertex建模是遥感和3D建模专家,正在与数字考古研究所合作,对Palmyra的“ Triumph拱门”进行了准确的规模娱乐。

The to-scale replica of the Arch of Triumph will be unveiled by Mayor of London Boris Johnson, in Trafalgar Square, on 19 April 2016 at 1PM.


The recreation of the Arch of Triumph was a highly technical process. Due to the destruction of much of Palmyra and inaccessibility of the site, Vertex Modelling was unable to take laser scans of the size and detail of the Arch. The team devised an alternative methodology, constructing the model from approximately 350 photographs provided by the Institute of Digital Archaeology. These photographs included high resolution shots of the decorative details of the structure. The photogrametry technique is a very powerful mean to produce 3D data for 3D Printing.

The initial layout of the Arch was captured based on individual site photos and historic measurements. Once the fundamental dimensions were plotted, the detail of the recessed decorations was digitally sculpted. This highly detailed model was then retopologized, making the model more tightly constructed, but equally as detailed. This 3D model was then milled out of marble in Italy in a true-to-life size, 1:1 scale, and displayed in Trafalgar Square.

Michal Konicek, Manager of Vertex Modelling, said:“The restoration of the Arch of Triumph has been a great achievement. The process of bringing it to life was highly complex as we did not have the original to work from. The standard and level of detail required by the Digital Archaeology Institute was incredibly high, but we are always happy to take on a challenge. Drilling down into the details of the design and texturing of the Arch was made all the more difficult as for certain parts we only had a few pictures as a reference – and this is where having team of incredibly talented and committed 3D modellers made all the difference. It is has been an extremely rewarding project, and we are honoured to see it placed in Trafalgar Square – a true feat of design and technology, bringing a historic site back to life”.