

Are graphene seal whiskers the future of smart sensors? How can you make new 3D printer materials using light? What can you do to improve the strength and appearance of low-cost 3D printed parts?

All these questions and more, fromadidas,西门子,填料,Proto Labsand South Korea, answered in today’s edition of Sliced 3D printing news digest.


Nanoparticle experiments at theInstitute for Basic Science在Ulsan, South Korea, has yielded some “cool” results in the way materials are made. Using light, magnetism and electrostatics, the team were able to make combination molecules that could lead to a new breed of tunable 3D printer inks – following a “Depending on what you make the nanoparticles from the surfactants can be responsive to a range of fields – magnetic, light, electrostatic,”explains Bartosz Grzybowski.

“我不确定如何将所有这些属性ombined into one molecule by traditional syntheses. With nanoscience this becomes relatively trivial – we initially just toyed with stuff and it turned out something cool emerged.”

The supporting paper,“Systems of mechanized and reactive droplets powered by multi-responsive surfactants”可以在线阅读nature。还请参阅我们的文章colloidal self-assemblyfor more research related to this field.

Particles manipulated by light in the study from South Korea's Institute for Basic Science. Image via nature.
Particles manipulated by light in the study from South Korea’s Institute for Basic Science. Image via nature.

在另一个大规模的材料开发中Proto Labshas launched metal plating services for SLA and SLS 3D printed parts.The service is intended to improve the finish aesthetic and strength of low-cost 3D printed parts.

德国原始实验室总经理丹尼尔·科恩(Daniel Cohn)评论说:“我们正在不断发展我们的能力,以确保我们满足客户的需求[…]现在,使用镀金技术和运营专业知识,我们可以在内部生产镀板的零件,并增加将进一步支持产品测试和项目进展的能力。”

Proto Labs现在为塑料3D打印零件提供镍电镀服务。通过原始实验室的照片
Proto Labs现在为塑料3D打印零件提供镍电镀服务。通过原始实验室的照片

Planting the seeds of development – CollPlant, Siemens, Nano Dimension, HP, GE, Carbon

David Tsur has been appointed the position of chairman of the board at3D bioprinter materials producer CollPlant。TSUR早在Collplant的位置之前,是Kamada Ltd.(TLV:KMDA)的创始人兼首席执行官,他是针对稀有孤儿疾病的生物药物治疗的开发商。在这个角色中,Tsur承诺“continue to pursue strategic joint ventures”该公司在2018 - 2019年期间。

Siemens PLM软件公司还增加了中国约4,500名科学家和工程师的现有劳动力,已揭幕计划在台湾建立“行业4.0”智能制造创新中心。

A “leading research institute from Hong Kong” has become the latest customer of the Nano DimensionDragonFly 2020 Pro PCB 3D printer。Of the territory’s listed institutes, the system is most likely in use at either a medical research facility, or the香港应用科学技术研究所(ASTRI).

惠普已经做出了两项新的承诺,以推进采用多喷气融合(MJF)的南亚和东南亚。惠普MJF 3D打印解决方案现在在印度可商业地使用,在本周早些时候的一次会议上,该公司确认它将利用其3D打印专业知识来帮助塑造越南的数字未来。

HP的多喷气融合3D打印系统的演示。迈克尔·皮奇(Michael Petch)的照片。
Demonstration of HP’s Multi Jet Fusion 3D printing system. Photo by Michael Petch.

Themoney GE Additive/GE Capital gave to Roushhas been used to purchase a Concept Laser Xline 2000R additive manufacturing system. The Michigan-headquartered high value engineering company will use the machine for bespoke, large-scale production of parts like engine blocks.

Reinforcing its引人注目的Futurecraft 4D与阿迪达斯合作, Carbon has added Eric Liedtke, Executive Board Member of adidas AG, to its own board of directors. Liedtke has a BA in journalism from theUniversity of Wisconsin,并且自1994年以来一直在阿迪达斯的线路管理/营销工作。


Boston-based studio加泰罗尼亚设计caught our eye this week by combing 3D printed with plywood. Approached by HIFIMAN to create their flagship headphone product, lead designer Carol Catalano directed an investigation of how wood can be directly integrated in the 3D printing process. The effects are demonstrated in a series of designs where plastic appears to “grow” in and around much more organic planks. “This opens up a whole realm of possibilities for creating expressive printed forms,”says Catalano



Seal whiskers have inspired new, multimaterial 3D printed sensor research atJeju National University在South Korea. The vortex-sensitive whiskers are made from a mixture of polyurethane (PU) and graphene. Full details of the process can be found under“完全3D印刷的多物质软生物启发的晶须传感器,用于水下诱导的涡旋检测”Soft Robotics杂志。

Diagram demonstrating how Jeju National University's 3D printed whisker can sense vortexes made by tail fins. Image via Soft Robotics.
Diagram demonstrating how Jeju National University’s 3D printed whisker can sense vortexes made by tail fins. Image via Soft Robotics.

Samantha Snabes, founder of回复:3d, has won a prize of $1 million to help develop her company’s “human-size” industrial FFF 3D printers. The top-prize fund was granted to Snabes by我们工作co-working and office space providers in the first WeWork Creator Awards.

In other accolades Nina Hoff, CEO of3D印刷食品公司Byflow,被认为是荷兰的“五个最有才华的女性之一”Technionista Awards

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Featured image shows the Sliced logo over a seal diagram used to illustrate bioinspired sensor research at Jeju National University. Original image via Soft Robotics.