3DP Applications

3D打印行业Review of the year: February 2019

2019年2月,2019年的Solidworks和上海的TCT Asia等会议,Urbanalps和Hexo Helmets等初创企业的创新以及据说是“最大的3D金属印刷品的演讲”汽车历史上的车辆。”

SolidWorks 2019

3D印刷行业在德克萨斯州达拉斯出现Dassault Systèmes’SOLIDWORKS World 2019。The largest of its kind thus far, the conference, which maintained the theme “where possibility takes form,”announcement3DEXPERIENCE.WORKS, a new portfolio of industry-aware applications on the3Dexperience平台。Furthermore, itssuccessor was announced as3DEXPERIENCE 2020

Solidworks世界的3Dexperience世界标牌。Tia Vialva摄影。
Solidworks世界的3Dexperience世界标牌。Tia Vialva摄影。

AtTCT亚洲in Shanghai,获奖3D printer OEMUltimakerannounced thatEssentium,Esun, 和Polymaker加入了它Material Alliance Program。This collaboration allows the companies to develop print profiles forUltimaker Cura切片软件,使用户访问其用于FFF 3D打印的第三方材料。

Carbon introduces the L1 3D printer

Carbon, the Silicon Valley-based company behind Digital Light Synthesis (DLS) technology, launched theL1 3D打印机which provides a larger build volume than theM2于2017年推出。该公司还宣布Riddell, American football equipment, as the L1’s first customer. As a result of this collaboration, 3D printed Precision-Fit linings for its SpeedFlex Precision Diamond NFL helmet were produced.

The Diamond Helmet inside the L1 3D printer. Photo via Carbon.
The Diamond Helmet inside the L1 3D printer. Photo via Carbon.


Xerox,美国打印机和复印机的制造商,acquiredVADER系统, a New York-based manufacturer of theliquid metal jet 3D printers。3D打印行业previously reported that施乐长期以来一直关注增材制造机会。然后,该公司在纽约举行的2019年投资者日会议上宣布了简短的公告,称此收购是其创新战略的一部分。

“The largest metal 3D printed automotive part”

福特性能,一个部门Ford Motor Company, claimed to develop “thelargest 3D metal printed part for a working vehicle in automotive history。” This part is an aluminum manifold inlet, 3D printed on a Concept Laser X LINE 2000R fromGE Additive,花了五天才能完成。

歧管重6公斤,因此重量是Bugatti’s 3D printedbrake caliper which previouslyclaimed to be “the largest functional component” 3D printed out of titanium. The Bugatti brake caliper measured at 41 x 21 x 13.6 cm (L x W x H), however, the dimensions of the manifold were not disclosed.

A 3D printed intake manifold for the Ford F-150 pickup truck. Photo via Ford.
A 3D printed intake manifold for the Ford F-150 pickup truck. Photo via Ford.

Star Trek-inspired projection 3D printer

受星际迷航的复制者的启发,来自University of California (UC), Berkeleydeveloped a 3D printer usingComputed Axial Lithography(CAL) to produce smooth, flexible and more complex 3D models.

This system uses a viscous liquid made from polymers mixed with photosensitive molecules and dissolved oxygen which reacts to a certain threshold of patterned light. This light is projected onto a rotating cylinder of liquid which then solidifies, forming into the desired shape.

A close-up of a 3D print (the Thinker) produced on the Replicator. Photo via UC Berkeley.
A close-up of a 3D print (the Thinker) produced on the Replicator. Photo via UC Berkeley.

Innovations, material, and product development

创新在本月也丰富start-ups such as the Swiss high-security companyUrbanAlps, who began shipments of its metal 3D printed security key called the隐身钥匙

六边头盔, a London-based technology start-up, also announced the commercial availability of itscustom 3D printed bicycle helmets。Differing from Riddell’s Diamond Helmet, this equipment is made from聚酰胺11using SLS, and incorporate honeycomb structures designed with the cyclists head shape.

在澳大利亚,金属3D打印机制造商Aurora Labs关闭了500万澳元(350万美元)的股份,以开发其Rapid Manufacturing Technology(RMT).

Moreover,Evonik, the largest specialty chemicals producer in the world, announced that itsVESTOSINT (PA 12) production plant在完成概念和基本工程阶段完成后,进入了项目实施阶段。


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