
Xerox acquires Vader Systems, steps into $8 billion 3D printing industry

Xerox, the American manufacturer of printers and photocopiers, has acquiredVADER系统, a New York-based manufacturer of the液态金属喷气式3D打印机.

As previously reported by 3D printing industry, most recently in October 2018,施乐长期以来一直关注增材制造机会.

After years of anticipation on its扩展到3D印刷行业,施乐在纽约举行的2019年投资者日会议上宣布了简短的宣布。此次收购是公司创新战略的一部分,旨在获得添加/数字制造的总可寻址市场(TAM)为80亿美元。

Xerox and Vader Systems declined to provide further details on the acquisition or the longer term strategy for 3D printing covered by Joanne Collins Smee and Steve Hoover during the investor day.

The Mk 1 Experimental metal 3D printer from Vader Systems. Image via Vader Systems.
The Mk 1 Experimental metal 3D printer from Vader Systems. Image via Vader Systems.

Xerox and 3D printing

2016年,Janos Veres,帕洛阿尔托研究中心(PARC)Xerox的小说和印刷电子计划解释说,该公司的计划转型将涉及3D打印和行业4.0技术.

Then in 2017,parc,由美国国防高级研究项目局DARPA选择,以开发“新的计算范式”limitations of existing 3D design platforms.

Following this, John Visentin CEO of Xerox announced on aninvestor call last yearthat the company is “developing a roadmap to participate in 3D printing.” Visentin stated:



Xerox's Roadmap for the next 3 years shared at the company's Investor Day Conference .Image via Xerox.
施乐的未来3年路线图在公司的投资者日会议上分享。这种特殊的策略将利用Vader Systems的3D打印技术来开发用于工业添加剂制造的新材料和流程。通过Xerox图像。

Vader Systems Magnet-O-Jet技术

Founded in 2013, Vader Systems developed and patented metal 3D printing technology referred to as Magnet-o-Jet. This process, as described by Zach Vader, co-founder of Vader Systems, “takes in metal wire feedstock that gets melted into a ceramic nozzle.”

“This makes a small pool [weighing] about 2 grams, the metal is always molten in the nozzle and then we use electromagnetism to induce a current and a radial inward force that produces a droplet.”

The magnet-o-jet liquid metal 3D printing subsystem. Image via Vader Systems,
The magnet-o-jet liquid metal 3D printing subsystem. Image via Vader Systems,

这是在每个液滴上使用电脉冲以每秒1000倍的速率进行的,这会导致高沉积速率。该技术已集成到公司的第一个系统,MK1实验金属3D打印机及其三个较新的系统,Vader Polaris,Magnet-O-Jet子系统和ARES微球生产系统。

Magnet-o-jet technology is said to expand the range of conductive metals used within metal additive manufacturing. Such limitations within industrial additive manufacturing are also being addressed by the诺丁汉大学,建立了一个additive manufacturing research lab in 2015使用定制的金属喷射系统。尽管Vader系统的金属印刷品保持接近净形状,但诺丁汉正在开发的金属喷气技术的3D印刷行业的结果明显更为先进。

Vader Systems Polaris Metal 3D打印解决方案。通过Vader系统的图像。
Vader Systems Polaris Metal 3D打印解决方案。通过Vader系统的图像。

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Featured image shows the magnet-o-jet liquid metal 3D printing subsystem. Image via Vader Systems.