
3D printed camper “The Wave” set to break world record for size

3D printed housesare always popular stories, but now a unique project in Saskatoon, Canada, is starting a new trend.

This Thursday at 1pm EST, Wave of the Future 3D will be 3D printing an 13 foot long camper trailer. The full process will be在Facebook上直播,,,,over 10 – 14 days, and is expected to break a world record for its size.

RAD BAWE 3D的创始人Randy Janes,一家RV公司的前产品专家说:“我被引入了3D打印,我看到这是可以消除95%至100%问题的过程之一人们和露营者在一起。”

CreateCafé3D打印解决方案Inc.是一个3D打印工作区和咖啡店,将在其商店托管实时3D打印。评论Janes的想法Dustin Maki,CreathCafé的创始人兼创始人said,,,,

“We believe any problem can be solved through 3D printing.”

Prototype miniature model of the Wave 3D printed camper. Photo by Adam MacVicar, Global News
Prototype miniature model of the Wave 3D printed camper. Photo by Adam MacVicar, Global News


The camper has been named The Wave. It will be 3D printed on custom-built, large-scale ErectorBot,tipped要成为“北美最大的室内3D打印机,也是加拿大唯一的印刷厂。”Janes拥有的Erectorbot 3D打印机的建筑面积约为28英尺,宽7英尺,高7英尺。该计划是将3D完全打印为使用PETG塑料原料的单件拖车。

在enectorbot 3D打印机内部查看。通过CreateCafé3D打印解决方案公司的照片。
在enectorbot 3D打印机内部查看。通过CreateCafé3D打印解决方案公司的照片。

Inan interview for Global News,Janes评论说:“它为您提供了一个大学,这使其成为有史以来最强的预告片。没有接缝,没有指甲,没有螺丝,拖车中没有木头。”

此外,“这将是[Create Cafe]印刷的最大的东西,并将成为世界纪录。”

As a single piece, The Wave’s record breaking potential might be true. At 30 feet long Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s (ORNL’s)3D打印的潜艇船体是美国海军最大的3D印刷资产,但它是从6个不同的部分组装而成的。

Ornl也持有the previous Guinness World Record用于波音飞机机翼的固体3D打印工具。ORNL工具长17.5英尺,宽5.5英尺,高1.5英尺,以便容纳人的空间,波浪将不得不击败这些规格。


3D打印波是通过与Saskatchewan Polytechnic.Maki解释说:“通过一笔应用研究赠款,我们合作开发了开发的高流量喷嘴,从而突破了3D打印的界限。”

拉里·罗西娅(Larry Rosia)博士,,,,Sask Polytech president and CEO, adds, “This leading edge applied research partnership creates unique learning opportunities for our students […] We have a great applied research relationship with Create Café, with countless synergies. This is another example of being able to learn from each other and share Sask Polytech’s expertise to support industry in solving every day, real-world problems.”



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Featured image shows a digital plan of the Wave 3D printed camper. Image via Create Café