
Anatomica di Revolutis – Amazing 3D Printed Arts Project on Kickstarter

Joshua Harker, the artist behind the most highly funded Kickstarter scuplture project in history –Crania Anatomica– is back with another crowdsourcing-oriented creation called Anatomica di Revolutis. This latest project is amazingly intricate with downright unbelievable attention do detail – the wings alone contain 75 mechanical moving pieces. But you don’t have to take just my word for it – watch Joshua showcase this project for yourself in the video below.

Even though Crania Anatomica raised more than $77k on Kickstarter, Joshua remains humble – one might even say pessimistic – when it comes to the monetary goals for his newest and highly ambitious arts project. The pledge goal was initially set to a mere $500, which not surprisingly was quickly reached and passed – the current figure (at time of writing) is at $22k, with over a month still to go. The piece itself reflects the developing 3工业革命和至少基于这些令人印象深刻的数字,所讨论的革命可能比人们敢于怀疑更接近现实。

根据您的钱包的大小,有几个誓约级别的奖励水平,从$ 5的折纸骷髅立方难题(下面的图像库中)到$ 5,000的Anatomica di Revolutis的5,000美元的手绘版本 - 带有所有的铃铛和哨子与它一起去。如果您仍然不确定该项目是否值得承诺,那么为什么不在下面的画廊中观看一些静止不动的图像。

[nggallery id=26]


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