3DP Applications



A new application developed at Glasgow Caledonian University is a great example of just this — a team there are using a range of technologies, including 3D printing, to overcome patient’s orthopaedic problems — specifically in the foot and ankle. The team uses motion sensor cameras to determine exact foot measurements from which they produce insoles and supports to meet the specific patient’s needs.

The data from the motion sensor camera is used to create a 3D image, which is translated into a physical product using 3D printers. Traditionally, making foot and ankle supports is a long and laborious process — a model of the foot is made, often from plaster and then plastic is moulded around it by hand — which can take up to six weeks. Using a 3D printer this process is cut down to few hours and can be offered as a same day service for people visiting the doctor.

3D printed insoles 格拉斯哥喀里多尼亚大学教授吉姆·伍德本(Jim Woodburn)说:“我们希望专门为患者自己的障碍和步行困难而制造这些产品。”“该项目最令人兴奋的部分是将计算机设计转移到3D打印机。我们拥有的是完全控制制造过程。”

