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MyMiniFactory, which launched in 2013, is the world’s leading curated social platform for 3D printable objects. Think of us like the Vimeo or SoundCloud for 3D printing.

On MyMiniFactory, you can find tens of thousands of 3D designs ready for you to download for free. These will work with any desktop 3D printer, and we have tested every single one so that it is guaranteed to print!

The community platform connects 3D designers, makers, users and brands: 3D designers can upload their creations, share them, promote them and earn money from tips and sales of their printed objects. Makers can print for others and earn money while users can download thousands of 3D printable objects for free, buy printed objects, or follow their favorite designers and makers. Brands can reach out to the community with contests and other unique features.

MyMiniFactory’s values center around quality and openness: quality with curation to assure all the models are printable, and openness with free downloads on all printable objects.

We believe that with our team, our community and our values we can empower 3D designers and help them become the stars of the next decade.

Founding date
Website Address
UK London 32 Leman St

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