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A culture of exploration.
We love to explore, tinker and mix things up to make things work better. You can see the results everywhere — in our award-winning research and hundreds of patents; our “innovation-in-a-box” program that’s spawned new product offerings; and the employee check-ins that have inspired our people to do their best work.

Igniting creativity in young people.
How are we enhancing education around the world? Through Project 1324, where youth create digital media to tell powerful stories for social change. Through programs that teach underrepresented youth how to code. And through a $300 million commitment to Title 1 secondary schools in the U.S.

Accelerating innovation velocity.
Adobe Kickbox is a proven, open source process that helps innovators define, refine, validate and evolve their ideas. “You can’t really just pay people to innovate,” says Mark Randall, vice president of innovation. “They have to get excited about solving a problem for a customer, and the company has to get behind that.”

Driving greater diversity and inclusion.
We’re taking action to make Adobe an even better place to work.

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USA CA 345 Park Avenue San Jose

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